A visit to Old Trafford, Manchester, to see part of the first day's play.
(Not televised by Kirk o' Shotts)
(to 13.30)
Practical interest for the housewife.
Presented by Joan Gilbert.
Your Dog and Mine
MacDonald Daly shows various types of Alsatians and kindred breeds.
Flower Arrangement
Violet Stevenson demonstrates the art of arranging cut flowers by simple methods to obtain a variety of effects.
A representative of the British Red Cross Society advises sunbathers what precautions to take.
Scottish Cookery
Margaret Forrester demonstrates the traditional way of making drop scones.
Maria Bird brings Andy to play.
(A BBC film)
(to 16.15)
Further commentaries.
Holiday Music
played by Ian Stewart at the piano with rhythm accompaniment.
5.15 Pictures from Brass
Mary Stuart shows how you can make interesting pictures with rubbings from brass monuments.
Further commentaries.
(to 18.30)
(Second performance: see Sunday)
A fortnightly review of films.
The programme includes scenes from films and studio interviews with leading personalities of the cinema world.
Introduced by John Fitzgerald.
Painters of all periods have found inspiration in the pleasures and pastimes of men and women. In this series of programmes Geoffrey Grigson shows some of the works reflecting that joy in life. His first subject is 'The Open Air'.
Geoffrey Grigson writes on page 37
(sound only)