from Wimbledon.
Three Little Mushrooms
by Ruth Ainsworth.
The first in a new series of puppet programmes presented by the Hutton Puppet Theatre, with Louise Hutton and Dera Cooper.
5.10 This Was News
A monthly talk on recent events illustrated by films.
5.30 Workshop
Gwenyth Clarke makes furniture to go in the doll's house.
from Wimbledon.
(to 19.00 app.)
A report on the first five years of the British Atomic Energy Research Establishment.
Sir John Cockcroft, C.B.E., F.R.S., introduces a discussion between Maurice H. L. Pryce, F.R.B., Wykeham Professor of Physics at Oxford, and Harwell scientists on their researches into atomic energy.
at Goldsmiths' Hall, London to hear
The Dutch String Quartet:
Nap de Klijn (violin), Johan van Helder (violin), Paul Godwin (viola), Carel Boomkamp (cello), Max Gilbert (viola), Dennis Brain (horn), Gerald Moore (piano)
Joan Gilbert introduces Week-End Magazine
A film of Wimbledon highlights.
(sound only)