(to 12.00)
at Roehampton
Leslie Mitchell, Michael Henderson, and Brian Johnston are there to introduce to you many of the celebrities of stage and screen.
(to 16.00 app.)
Come to the Show!
A visit to the television ring at Castle Bromwich to see a few of the many thousands of exhibits and livestock in the fourth postwar agricultural show run by the Bath and West and Southern Counties Society.
From Castle Bromwich Aerodrome, Birmingham.
Written by John Rowdon and George Moresby White.
A magazine of past and present stories of the world's greatest city.
Told by Richard Dimbleby.
Film sequences made by the Television Film Unit
All correspondence in connection with this programme should be addressed to 'London Town', [address removed]
An inter-university debate.
Norman St. John-Stevas, President of the Cambridge Union Society, in the Chair
That this House wishes it had a television set
Proposed by: R. Galer, President of the Guild of Undergraduates, Birmingham University
Opposed by: F. J. Williams, Cambridge University
P. McGregor, Chairman of the Debating Society. Birmingham University, will speak third
R. G. Waterhouse, Vice-President of the Cambridge Union Society, will speak fourth
The debate will be adjourned at the conclusion of the fourth speech.
Programme introduced by Anthony Wedgwood Benn.
(sound only)
(to 22.15)