(to 12.00)
For Young Children: Dream Pictures
Seven songs from 'A Child's Garden of Verses' by Robert Louis Stevenson Set to music and played by Teresa del Riego
Sung by Jennifer Vyvyan
Three characters from David Copperfield
Bransby Williams, well-known character actor, introduces:
Uriah Heep, Mr. Micawber and David Peggotty.
The camel and the llama
Three types of monkey
Animal pets
Chimpanzees at tea
Televised from the London Zoo.
(to 16.00)
At the London Zoo
Mr. G.S. Cansdale, the Superintendent of the Zoo, displays a number of animals with sharply contrasting methods of self-preservation.
[Radio Times says Mrs GS Cansdale - in error?]
A band show by Nat Allen and his Orchestra with Carole Oarr, Pat Frost, Ken Crossley, Geoff Love, The Bopsters.
Guest artist: Jimmy Edwards
A topical magazine.
Edited and introduced by Joan Gilbert.
(Repeat of Monday's edition)
(sound only)
(to 22.15)