(to 12.00)
(For details see Wednesday)
This film takes you behind the scenes on British railways.
(to 16.00)
A Television Magazine introduced by McDonald Hobley.
My Best Moment
Sirdani and his guest introduce a magical note.
Inspector Gribble Investigates
A new series by John P. Wynn.
with Frank Foster as the Inspector.
Cue for Music
A musical guest.
Puzzle Corner with Ronnie Waldman
It Happened to Me
Celebrities describe their worst moment.
Every Man His Own...
by Max Kester.
[Starring] Richard Hearne
Nat Allen and his Orchestra
All correspondence in connection with this programme should be addressed to "Kaleidoscope" [address removed]
A review of the varied problems being discussed in London by the Commonwealth Prime Ministers and representatives of the Dominions.
Among other matters the talks cover Western Union, Defence, Economic Relations, and Commonwealth Citizenship.
Maps prepared by the Bureau of Current Affairs
(sound only)
(to 22.15)