(Composite edition)
(to 12.00)
Frances Perry builds a dry wall and prepares the rockery for the winter.
3.15 L.C. Turnill gives some useful hints on keeping rabbits, in particular, the rearing of young rabbits.
3.30 F. Streeter shows you modern methods of open-centre pruning for bush apples, and demonstrates spraying and grease-banding.
3.45 Reginald Gamble and Arthur Hayes examine the hive and settle the bees for the winter.
(to 16.00)
Your usual table has been reserved at your favourite rendezvous.
International Cabaret featuring Quatuor Cetra, Sujata and Asoka, The Appletons, Joe and Fani
Jacques Laroque et l'orchestre Pigalle
with Maitre d'hotel Claude Frederic at your service.
told by Compton Mackenzie.
(Repeat of Friday's edition)
(sound only)
(to 22.15)