With the Dawn Patrol.
6.15 Pause for Thought With Shahrukh Husain.
9.15 Pause for Thought
With the Rev John Rackley.
Classic hits, new chart breakers, love songs, the Headline Hunt and the Pop
Master quiz are just part of a great morning's entertainment. E-MAIL: [address removed]
FAX: [number removed]
Talking to the people who make the news.
PHONE the Comment Line on [number removed]91 or the Question
Line on [number removed]22. Lines open from 11.45am to 1.45pm
Entertainment news and the Accumulator Quiz.
E-MAIL: stewpot@bbc.co.uk
Carl Davis with the last in the series of his favourite popular classics. His guest this week is comedian and entertainer Jim Davidson.
Producer Julian Gregory
The Organist Entertains Standards, pops and classics from the popular organ and keyboard world. PHONE 08 [number removed] for programme information and details of organ clubs and societies
Wayne Marshall presents the last in a four-part series paying tribute to
George Gershwin , with contributions from Willard White ,
Hoagy Carmichael and David Niven.
Producer Graham Pass
A six-part series in which
George Melly describes how the influence of the American
Mafia spread into all walks of life, especially showbusiness. In the second programme, a look at how gangsters began to extort millions of dollars from film studio heads in a plan designed to give the Mob complete control over the motion picture industry.
Including at 1.30
Pause for Thought With Frank Topping.
Including at 3.30
Pause for Thought With Frank Topping.