With the Dawn Patrol.
6.15 Pause for Thought With Shahrukh Husain.
9.15 Pause for Thought
With the Rev John Rackley.
PHONE the Comment Line on [number removed]91 or the Question
Line on [number removed]22. Lines open from 11.45am to 1.45pm
The latest entertainment news, Where Are You Now?,
Brain Busters, Three after
Three and two more contestants on the Accumulator Quiz. Plus regular travel updates. E-MAIL: stewpot@bbc.co.uk
Carl Davis presents a series of his favourite popular classics. His guest this week is Gloria Hunniford.
The Organist Entertains Featuring music specially requested by listeners, plus music news and information from the popular organ and keyboard world.
PHONE 08 [number removed] for programme information and details of organ clubs and societies
In the third of a four-part series, Wayne Marshall continues the centenary tribute to George Gershwin , including contributions from PG Wodehouse, Larry Adler and Edward G Robinson.
A six-part series in which
George Melly describes how the influence of the American
Mafia spread into all walks of life, especially show business. In the first programme, a look at how the Syndicate gradually began to infiltrate America's booming entertainment industry after Prohibition ended. Producer Robin Quinn
Favourite sounds, guests, news, and a celebrity with something to shout about.
Including at 1.30
Pause for Thought With Frank Topping.
Including at 3.30
Pause for Thought With Frank Topping.