including your Medical Questions
Plus Family Favourites shared with New Zealand.
At 3.05 Sports Desk
at 6.45 Sports Desk
The last of five programmes
Russell Davies and Julie Covington tell the tale of those times and present recordings that were requested and played in the original programmes.
Compiled by Russell Davies
Producer Jonathan James-Moore
JfmUoyd introduces
JeMnnySOveinconcert TheBroadstde recorded attheCrimsbyFoikCtub Anapprectationofthe inSuenceotthetate
A.L.LLOYDontheBriUsh FoIkReviva)
Chrtsttne Primrosp from theGu)benktanStudio, Newcastle
Producer RAY HtHVEY
(Repeated. Wed 1.0 am)
Tony Davis, Mick Groves, Cliff Hall and Hugh Jones, with John McCormick (bass), sing some songs and tell the odd story. Tonight's special guest Lonnie Donegan With Paul Henry (guitar and mandolin)
9.57 Sports Desk
starring Bernie Clifton Pat Mooney Tony Peers and Caroline Turner
Music by Brian Fitzgerald and Bob Gill
Producer Mike Craig BBC Manchester
presents Round Mtdnfght Stereo /roTn 12.0
(Broodeost Sot 7.M ptn) and THE STRINGS
Presented by Patrick Lunt