gives you your
Early Morning Call
The shower. shave and sausage show ' will put you In the right mood to face the day.
including at 7.45
Which Way Now?
Peter Powell finds out how you can keep your options open
Hits and headlines from 1972 and 1976 The Birthday File, Our Tune, horoscopes for Virgo and Libra and Headlines, the telephone game based on the day's main news stories.
including at 12.30 pm Newsbeat with Frank Partridge
Including at 4.45
Which Way Now? Peter asks what is a good balance ' of subjects at O-level or CSE?
Beginning at 6.5 Peter reviews the new Top 30 album chart. including at 5.30 Newsbeat with Frank Partridge
Anne Nightingale features listeners' letters on almost any subject. Send your problems. comments, questions and criticisms to:
Radio 1 Mailbag, BBC. London W1A 4WW
The Mailbag phone-line [number removed] is open every Wednesday from 7.00 to
10.00 pm