gives you your Early Morning Call
The 'shower, shave and sausage show' will put you in the right mood to face the day, with good music, up-to-the-minute traffic and weather news and Mike's genial chat
featuring events, birthdays and anniversaries on this day through the years and includingtoday's birthday horoscope (for the coming year) and the next seven days' horoscopes for Virgo and Libra.
featuring 12 O'clock Rock, Replay, Themes a Good Idea and Double Act.
Beginning at 12.45 Dave gives a rundown of this week's Top 40 discs - your first chance to hear the new chart, including at 12.30 pm Newsbeat with Frank Partridge
Beginning at 6.5 Peter reviews the new Top 40 singles chart Including at
Newsbeat with Frank Partridge
Anne Nightingale features listeners' letters on almost any subject. Send your problems, comments, questions and criticisms to: Radio 1 Mailbag. BBC, [address removed]
The Mailbag phone-line [number removed] is open every Wednesday from 7.00 to 10.00 pm