featuring events, birthdays and anniversaries on this day through the years.
serialised in 13 episodes featuringand re creating their film roles
3: Black Knight, White Princess, and Pawns
High among the Rebel councils stands the Royal House of the planet Alderaan, whose members have always supported the Old Republic before it was subverted and overthrown by the Empire. The centre stage of galactic history is sometimes occupied by the unlikeliest of men and women ... and even machines.
with Peter Mayne
including this week's
Top 40 discs - your first chance to hear the new chart.
including at 5.30 Newsbeat with Peter Mayne at 6.0 a review of the new Top 40 singles chart.
Anne Nightingale and Adrian Love feature listeners' letters.
Send your problems, comments, questions and criticisms to:
Radio 1 Mailbag, BBC, London W1A 4WW
The Mailbag phone-line,
[number removed], is open every Wednesday 7.0-10.0 pm Producer JUDE HOWELLS