with Canon John Young of York Minster.
with John Humphrys and Sue MacGregor. Details as Monday plus:
7.45 Thought for the Day with Jim Thompson
8.40 Yesterday in Parliament
Mother of three Suzanne Horrocks opens her Newcastle home to foster children. LibbyPurves and guests join her in a rare moment of peace. Producer Lucy Cacanas
2: Satan, disguised, approaches
Christ in the Wilderness and suggests he should cure his hunger by turning stones into bread.
For details see yesterday
Introduced by Jenni Murray.
Serial: Knowledge of Angels (7) For details see Monday
Eight plays based on short stories by Rudyard Kipling , dramatised for radio by Ed Thomason.
4: The Courting of Dinah Shadd. India. 1880. Sergeant Terence Mulvaney is thought by the regiment to be its best soldier, but he's a dark horse.
With John Evitts. Dominic Letts.
Lyndam Gregory. Michael Troughton. Gareth Armstrong , Tom Bevan. Peter Kenny and Colin Thomas
MusicTrevor Allan Davies. Producer Adrian Bean
with Nick Clarke.
Repeated from yesterday 7.05pm
by Tony Mulholland.
2: Choices. A Conservative ball, a doomed by-election and a major dilemma on the personal front: all in a year's work for Pat.
With Simon Egerton , Kathyrn Hunt. Richard Mitchley. Margaret John and Roger Hume Director Nigel Bryant
A touch of Figgie Hobbin and Jack the Treacle Eater: from his native
Cornwall, the celebrated poet Charles Causley talks about his work for children. Presented by Michael Rosen. Producer Jilt Burndge
with Gerry Anderson.
Brian Sibley rounds up the week's new film releases, including the last in Kieslowski's Three Colours trilogy. and he reflects on the five years since the Berlin Wall came down.
Producer Louise Swan. Revised repeat 9.30pm
by Marjorie Barnard , read by John Muirhead.
Producer Julian Wilkinson Rpt
with Chris Lowe and Linda Lewis.
Starring Richard Ingrams. John Wells , John Sessions , Joan Sims , Patricia Routledge , Brian Bowles , Simon Greenall , Henrietta Gooden , and featuring June Whitfield and the silken tones of Brian Perkins.
The further adventures of Mr Justice Cocklecarrot. Captain Foulenough, Dr Strabismus (whom God preserve) of Utrecht. Big White Carstairs and other characters created between the wars by the great humorist J B Morton. Adapted for radio by Mike Barfield with Richard Ingrams. Producer Harry Thompson
Bert's in trouble.
Repeated tomorrow at 1.40pm
A murdered nanny, a vanished peer, international police hunts, scandal in society, press sensation and speculation, Irish rents unpaid, and a noble family abandoned: the elusive personality of Lord Lucan is still at the core of these notorious events.
Seamus McKee follows the trail to reveal how Lucan's disappearance 20 years ago is still making ripples. Producer Chris Spurr
Repeated from yesterday 11.30am
This week Mark Whittaker goes in search of Seed Savers - the unsung heroes who struggle to protect the genetic diversity of our crop plants against global seed breeders.
Producer Jessica Mitchell. Rptd Sunday9.30pm
The story of a Kentish family in war and peace, composed from diaries, letters and memories in words and music by Peter Cork, with readings by Tim Pigott-Smith. Marriage Farm stands on a ridge between two Kentish valleys. It is where Mary-Ann Goldup began her life and where tonight's true story begins.
Revised repeat of 4.05pm
with Isabel Hilton.
8: Crimes of Passion. Ravan, shatterer of the worlds, attempts to drain the last of the goodness from man. For cast see Friday
Magnus Magnusson remembers how the Scot used to earn a living. Repeated from Friday
Presented by Tom Robinson. Repeated from Saturday 6.50pm