Presented by Peter Hobday and Brian Redhead
6.30,7.30,8.30 News Summary
6.45* Business News
7.0,8.0 Today's News Read by BRYAN MARTIN
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day
8: On the Village Green
Face to face with Dr Anthony Clare is the comedian Ken Dodd.
(Re-broadcast next Saturday)
Written and read in five parts by Brian Wright 3: Cheapsakes
Fifteen years ago Penge High
Street was still, unmistakeably, a prosperous Victorian village.
With bakelite knobs on perhaps. The parson's nose of London, not appetising but nourishing. producer MATTHEW WALTERS (First broadcast on Radio 3)
with Jeanine McMullen
What 's On offers a guide to shows, exhibitions and courses around the country. producer MARY PRICE BBC Bristol
Free information sheet available from 30 August. Send sae (91 x 61) to:
[address removed]
The Diving Well by JAMES HILL
Read by John Westbrook Producer MITCH RAPER
NEM, p 54; All praise to thee (BBC HB 401); Psalm 121;
Mark 10, w 46-52; Forth in thy name (BBC HB 406) Stereo
Forty Years of Indian Independence
A five-part series in which the BBC's Delhi correspondent, Mark Tully , charts India's progress over four decades.
Ranging from the corridors of power to the teeming pavements and villages outside, his view of the sub-continent combines archive material and personal anecdotes with the sounds and voices of contemporary India. 2: Betrayal by Bureaucracy Why inertia and corruption have prevented many of the benefits of India's impressive technological revolution from reaching the homeless and landless poor.
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 7.40pm)
Five forays beyond the farm gate in which Phil Smith catches a whiff of the everyday dramas of agricultural life - at livestock level.
3: Sheepish Things
Compiled by PHIL SMITH Producer LIZ JENSEN BBC Pebble Mill
Presented by John Buckley
Alexander Walker recalls the screen careers of the cinema's brightest stars.
6: Elizabeth Taylor This is the story of a turbulent lady. A sexy lady. A resilient lady.
An enormously wealthy lady. A much, much-married lady.
A lady whose life off-screen has been of more consuming interest to millions of people than many of the roles she has played on it.
Presented by Brian Widlake
TONY AITKEN reads The Trimble Town Band's Surprise. Stereo
Introduced by Sue MacGregor True Romances?
Are teenage weddings always doomed to fail? Or can adolescent passion lead to a solid, lasting relationship? Sue Margolis discovers the joys, frustrations, risks and rewards of first-love marriages. Serial
Charters and Caldicott (5)
No Problem by MARY RENSTEN Fine Time Fontayne as Reg
Taking a holiday at a Spanish hotel which features sequence dancing seems a good idea to Reg. After all, no one need know. It should be no problem.
Directed by GRAHAM GAULD Stereo
0 HEAR THIS! page 15
Dannie Abse presents seven programmes of poetry about music
1: The Nature of Music Readers JUNE barrie and kim WALL
Producer MARGARET BRADLEY BBC Bristol. Stereo
Designed for Delight
The garden folly may not be uniquely British - its origins go back at least as far as the pleasure gardens of Ancient
Greece and Rome, but nowhere did it arouse more enthusiasm than in the 18th century. Almost all the buildings are tributes to the idiosyncrasies of their owners and part of a peculiar heritage now in danger of decay. David Roper reports.
Presented by Valerie Singleton and Robert Williams continued on VHFIFM 5.50-5.55
With PETER DONALDSON including Financial Report
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 40pm)
Ray Smith tells
Martyn Williams about the hidden perils of playing tough roles on TV - such as Spikings, in Dempsey and Makepeace. Producer HERBERT WILLIAMS
(First broadcast on Radio Wales)
In the third of eight programmes, Fritz Spiegl explores the varied repertory of music-makers by the seaside. Producer RAY ABBOTT. Stereo
Like its neighbours in Central America, Costa Rica is poor. Unlike them, it has been peaceful for 40 years, has no army and its people are healthy. By controlling infectious and diarrhoeal diseases through universal immunisation, and by other public health measures, its citizens can expect to live as long as those in some Western countries. Geoff Watts examines how Costa Rica has achieved its dramatic health improvements in less than 20 years, and discovers the role played in the success by a silent army of health workers. Producer DEBORAH COHEN
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 11.0am)
Levels of Unconsciousness by MARGARET JONES with Renee Asherson as Lucille
If you overheard Lucille chatting at her husband's bedside you might feel that her marriage wasn't quite 'cloudless'. There were, after all, all those nannies and governesses. And there was Elizabeth.
Directed by ROBERT COOPER BBC Manchester. Stereo (R)
'In the 40s I was a frustrated schoolboy in Hereford, whose window on a greater reality was something called trad. Here was wild, blood-curdling music, full of gutbucket growls, glissandos and unadulterated whorehouse lechery....'
Adventures in the jazz trade by Jeff Nuttall
Producer ALASTAIR WILSON BBC Manchester
Michelene Wandor presents tonight's edition, which includes a report from the 1987 Edinburgh International Festival by Paul Allen. Producer SALLY MARMION
(Revre-broadcast tomorrowat 4.35pm)
In Custody (3)
Presented by Alexander MacLeod
followed by an interlude