with NORMA CRADOCK. Stereo
Presented by Brian Redhead and John Timpson
6.30, 7.30, 8.30 News Summary
6.45* Business News With JEREMY BOWEN
7.0, 8.0 Today's News
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thoughtfor the Day
8.35* Yesterday in Parliament
The last in the series presented by Laurie Taylor
Sound Choice: Ken Livingstone talks about his own listening. Under Review: Exchange
(Radio 3 7 November, 7.30 pm); Bookshelf (Radio 4, 6 November,
4.5 pm)
Reporter Sarah Dunant Producer JENNY DANKS Editor SALLY THOMPSON
(Re-broadcast next Sunday)
A Reasonable Doubt byPAULYN MARRINAN Read by Linda Wray The barrister - lady. Her client - a man.
The case - dirty fight between husband and wife. Producer CHRIS SPURR BBC Northern Ireland
The last in the series in which Howie Firth presents legends that shed light on the past. 6: What's in a Name?
(First broadcast on BBC Radio Orkney)
Presented by John Howard
Presented by Sir Robin Day
1.55 Listening Corner Today's story: The Sun Takes a Holiday (R)
2.5 The Song Tree
7: A Gaggle of Music Games Presented by HILARY JONES and SIMON MAYOR With PYEWACKETT Written by BARRY GIBSON. Stereo (E)
2.20 Living Language The Stonewalkers (2) by VIVIEN ALCOCK adapted by ZOE BAILEY (E)
2.40 Newscast Presented by LIBBY FAWBERT (E)
Introduced by Sue MacGregor On Being a Lady: Jenny Cuffe discovers whether being a modem Lady means more than wearing a tiara and eating cucumber sandwiches for tea. Serial: The Soul of Kindness (4)
Antibodies by GEORGE TARRY
Elaine Pearce arrives in a village school as a new and potentially invigorating headmistress. But new educational ideas aren't the only surprises in store....
Directed by VANESSA WHITBURN BBC Pebble Mill. Stereo (R)
Susan Hill meets Jan Little , an American who survived, alone and blind, in the Brazilian jungle for four months after a tropical disease killed her husband and daughter, and whose astonishing story is told in a new book.
Plus a conversation with the writer and broadcaster,
Gerald Priestland , whose autobiography is published today.
(Re-broadcast next Sunday)
(Revised broadcast of yesterday 's programme at 9. 45pm)
Presented by Gordon Clough and Robert Williams continuedon VHFIFM5.50-S.55pm
With CLIVE ROSLIN including Financial Report
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 40 pm) Written by GRAHAM HARVEY Cast for the week:
Introduced by John Timpson Producer CAROLE STONE BBC Bristol
Josephine Tey the novelist, Gordon Daviot the playwright and Elizabeth Mackintosh the physical training teacher from Inverness were one and the same person.
Joanna Hickson traces the career and the personality behind the three identities. With contributions from Sir John Gielgud, Gwen Ffrangcon Davies and Allan Massie.
'Mrs J' has debts of £9,000. She has unopened bills behind the clock in her flat. She's in tears. Tomorrow 'John's' gas, which he needs for cooking and heating, will be disconnected. He chain smokes in the waiting-room.
They have both come to their local Citizens Advice Bureau expecting immediate free advice. Six million enquiries were handled by the 910 bureaux in England and Wales last year. But the CAB Service, staffed almost entirely by volunteers, is itself desperately short of money. In many areas bureaux are operating on a hand-to-mouth existence - some don't know if they'll survive beyond this year. Yet the demand for their services increases daily.
John Howard assesses the value of Britain's only national, free advice service.
0 INFO: page 91
Presented by John Mills Producer MARLENE PEASE
Correspondence and enquiries to: Does He Take Sugar?
BBC.London W1A 4WW Phone [number removed]
Lines open from 10.0 am to 5.0 pm Monday to Friday
Ian Carmichael reads a further instalment from the all-but-true island adventures of Ronnie Knox-Mawer during his period as a British circuit judge in the colonial South Seas.
Presented by Paul Vaughan Producer CARROLL MOORE
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 4.30pm)
A House for Mr Biswas (2)
Presented by Richard Kershaw
Hugo Young presents Radio 4's coverage of this significant by-election in Merseyside.
Analysis by Peter Kellner of The Independent; constituency reports from BBC Political Correspondent Mike Baker ; comment by leading politicians in London and the North West. ProducerMARGARET HILL
Help Yourself to Study Skills
12.303: Writing a) Note-taking b) Essay-writing (R) (E)
12.504: Organisation, Revision and Exams (R) (E)
VHF/FM joins at 1.10 am