Farming, food and countryside news, market trends, and weather
Presented by John Timpson and Brian Redhead
6.30,7.30,8.30 News Summary
6.45* Business News with SIMON ROSE
7.0,8.0 Today's News Read by BRYAN MARTIN
7.20* Your Letters
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day
8.35* Yesterday in Parliament
An opportunity for listeners to express their views, and question the experts on a subject of current interest.
Produced by the Woman's Hour unit Lines open from 8.0am
Reflections on life and Politics abroad from the BBC's worldwide team of foreign correspondents.
Read by Marilyn Le Conte
'In her head were visions of a huge, unshaven young man who Played loud music all night and left piles of greasy washing-up in the sink.'
nem, p 89; Through all the changing scenes of life (BBC HB 481); Psalm 8;
Genesis 37, w 12-28; Come, let us to the Lord our God (BBC HB 487). Stereo
'Do ostriches really bury their heads in sand when danger threatens? If they do, why haven't they become extinct?'
The naturalists answer your questions.
Presented by Derek Jones Producer JOHN HARRISON BBC Bristol
(Re-broadcast next Saturday)
Pattie Coldwell with the latest news and advice for consumers.
A panel game devised by Tony Shryane and Edward J. Mason
Dilys Powell and Frank Muir challenge Gay Search and Denis Norden
In the Chair Michael O'Donnell
(Re-broadcast on Thursday at 6.30 pm)
Presented by Sir Robin Day
1.55 Listening Corner Today: Favourite Things (R)
2.5 History: Not So Long Ago The General Strike by DAVE ROBINS (R)
2.25 Contact The Flooded Village by BRIAN SIBLEY Presented by PAUL MCDOWELL 2 40 Pictures in Your Mind (Stories) First Flight by BLAIN FAIRMAN (R)
Introduced by Sue MacGregor The Worst of Times: a look back to life during the Great
Depression when workers in traditional industries, like mining or shipbuilding, experienced long-term unemployment and extreme poverty. JILL BURRIDGE talks to NIGEL GRAY and to some of the men and women who remember the threat of the workhouse. Serial: The Reason Why (9)
The British Abroad
An occasional series of plays for radio.
A Thorn in Paradise by ROBERT BIRMINGHAM with and Following an accident at work Ossie emigrates to his native West Indies with his white
English wife. The deep divisions of the country reinforce the alienation that they both feel: an alienation that threatens even their marriage.
Directed by CUVE BRILL Stereo
Shelving the Burden
Derek Cooper looks at the ways in which the food industry plans, creates and promotes its products to appeal to the major buyers of foods: women.
Interviews, news and reviews of books, film, plays, broadcasting, music and exhibitions
Presented by Michael Oliver
Presented by Valerie Singleton and Robert Williams
continuedon VHF/FM 5.50-5.55 pm
with BRIAN PERKINS including Financial Report
A History of Pantomime in seven parts
1 : TheLifeandDeathof Harlequin
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 1.40 pm) Written by ANDY RASHLEIGH Cast for the week:
BBC Birmingham
Reporter Roisin McAuley Producer ROGER HUTCHINGS Editor BRIAN WALKER BBC Manchester
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 4.5pm)
A discussion of issues arising from the 1985 Reith Lectures, given by David Henderson , the head of the Economics and Statistics Department at the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development, about the influence of economic ideas on policy. He is joined by Lord Aldington, The Rt Hon
Denis Healey , mp, Martin Wolf
In the Chair Sir Alec Cairncross Producer DAVID MORTON
0 INFO: page 77
News, views and information for people with a visual handicap Presented by Ian MacRae Producer THENA HESHEL
Listeners can phone with enquiries and comments relating to the programme on [number removed]. Lines open from 8.30-10.0pm Free quarterly bulletin from:
[address removed] (Send four large SAEs for a year's supply)
Professor Laurie Taylor talks about three humorous characters from fiction. Stereo
Robert Hewison presents tonight's edition, which includes reviews of Radio 4's Classic Serial
Jude the Obscure, the paintings of Philip Wilson Steer , and a live relay from the Whitbread Book of the Year dinner. Producer ANNE HINDS
Wind, Sand and Stars (7)
Presented by Richard Kershaw
followed by an interlude
Secondary Science Ions and Ionisation (RV) Presented by KIM CLIFFORD (R) and at 12.50 Lenses and Optical Instruments (RV) Presented by EDWARD KELSEY (R)