Producers martin S-Al-1, and ALLAN WRIGHT
with John Tlmpson and Brian Redhead
6.30, 7.30, 8.30 News Summary
6.45* Prayer for the Day
7.0, 8.0 Today's News Read by clivi ROSLIN
7.10' Your Letters 7 25*. 8.15. Sport
7.45. Thought for the Day 8.SS. Yesterday In Parliament
One World Week-
Breaklng Barriers.
What are the barriers to Justice and peace In world divided by race, religion, politics and wealth? Are they prejudice, fear, greed or Ignorance? Should your church have a use beyond worship? The Rev John Reardon of the United Reform Church and Chairman of One World Week and Dr Richard Hoggart , former Assistant Director General of UNESCO answer your questions. Sue MacGregor is in the Chair. Produced by the Woman'sHourunit
Lines open from 8.0 am
The Funeral
Written and read by Alun Rhys Williams
nem, p 106; The Lord my pasture shall prepare
(BBChb477):Psalm16; I Corinthians 14. vv 6-19; Believe not those (BBC BB 317): long wave only
Another Time. Another Place by jessie KESSON ' All I can say Is better her than me!' ' I lust refused! I refused point. blank to have anything to dowtthprisonersotwart ' ' Italians at that!' ' A good thing they didn't ask you, Jess!' ' They knew better!' ' Your own man 11 Mill missing '... In Italy.'
BBC Scotland tong wave only
1 What do gnats and mosquitoes eat when there are no mammals around-bite each other?' The naturalists get their teeth into another set of wildlife questions. with Derek Jones producer JOHN HARRISON BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Sat 5.0 pm) long wave only
with Paul Heiney
Round Three
Anthony Quinton (Chairman) with Brendan Gill , author and theatre critic of the New Yorker and Shana Alexander journalist and author LONDON:
Louis Allen (Chairman) with Irene Thomas John Julius Norwich Question researcher BERNICE COUPE
Producer TREVOR bill BBC Manchester
(Repeated: Thurs 6.30 pm)
Presenter Six Robin Day
Introduced by Sue MacGregor , including Spare a Thought for the Lovely Worm: moyka
BREMNER looks Into the Red Data Book, and talks to It he scientists who compiled this study ot invertebrates, SUSAN WELLS and DR MARK COLLINS. The Woodlanders (14) long wave only
Toys from the Boys by JOHN PETHERBRIDGE
Why, with only a few days' warning, did Sue leave home to go and live at the Peace Camp? What Martin sees as a betrayal is for Sue a demonstration of her love for him and her children.
Abroad Thoughts from Home
Richard Stllgoe relates the story of his first encounter with a wombat, how he climbed the Big
Orange and other strange tales from Down Under. Producer SIMON ELMES (Reuised repeat)
The hallowed remains of Christian saints and martyrs are treasured in churches, shrines and private collections across the country. To some, these relics are an aid to devotion, to others they are a ghoulish distraction.
Libby Purves investigates the world of religious relics and the power they haveforsomebelievers and asks how Important they are in a living faith. Producer HUGH FAUPEL BBC Manchester
A Passage to India (2)
Presenters Valerie Singleton and Richard Bath
Including Financial Report
(Details: Thurs 12.27pm)
(Repeated: Wed 1.40 pm)
Geoff Watts reports
Producer alison RICHARDS (Repeated: Sat 3.0 pm)
Major Issues, changing attitudes, important events.
Michael Eoblnson
(Repeated: Wed 4.10 pm)
Six lurches through
England by Ray Gosling , not Quite in the wake Of J. B. PRIESTLEY
2: The End of the World Show and Little Magnetic Bits
When Priestley visited the North East for his English Journey, he found a dog-eared region of soup kitchens and grass-grown shipyards. RAY GOSLING 'S Journey to
North Yorkshire, Teesside and Tyneside reveals a region bristling with technology to help us cope In peace ... and war....
Producer alastaib wilson BBC Manchester
News, views and Information for people with a visual handicap.
Presented by Peter White Producer thena HESHEL Listeners can phone in queries and comments relating to the programme on [number removed], 8.3010.0 pm Handbooks of aids and services, £2.95 from [address removed]
includes reviews of The Relapse, John Vanbrugh's Restoration comedy starring Simon Callow as Lord Foppington, at the Lyric, Hammersmith; and 1934, a new novel by Alberto Moravia, translated by William Weaver, which Is a love story set on the island of Capri against a background of Mussolini's Italy.
Presenter Paul Allen
with Alexander MacLeod
Basil (2) long wave only
long wave only