long wave only
7.10 Sunday Papers long wave only
7.15 Apna Hi
Ghar Samajhiye : for Asians BBC Birmingham long wave only
7.45 Bells: long wave only
7.50 The Shape of God FRIAN FALCONER with a meditation for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost: Matthew 22. vv 15-22 long wave only
8.10 Sunday Papers
Presented by Clive Jacobs Producer DAVID WINTER
MICHAEL BENTINE talks about the renowned work of The Royal Marsden Hospital and its fight against cancer (274034). Please help with a donation to: [address removed]
9.10 Sunday Papers
by Alistair Cooke
from St Thomas 's Parish Church, Douglas, Isle of Man. Preacher the REV
DAVID H. MCINTOSII. Mattins conducted by LAURIE DAVIES Psalm 111
Readings: Isaiah 6. vv
1.8; 1 Peter 1, vv 13-25
Hymns (A&MR); 0 worship the Lord (77); Bright the vision (161); Come gracious Spirit (232); Take time to be holy (444) BBC Monchester
Omnibus edition. Producer
Agricultural story editor ANTHONY PARKIN
BBC Birmingham
Introduced by Bob Prizeman who meets the organist of Canterbury Cathedral, Allan Wicks , and his wife Elizabeth; and presents highlights from Woman's Hour.
The Goon Show
Insurance - The White Man's Burden starring Peter Seller ) Harry Secombe Spike Milligan
Producer PAT DIXON
(First broadcast in 1957)
First of six programmes on treasure and treasure-hunting, written and introduced by Derek Wilson
Treasure Island
Treasure has been sought and dug up for as long as there has been treasure to bury: the first treasure seeking took place in ancient Egypt: since those times thousands of men and women have risked lives and capital to find it. DEREK WILSON calls it ' the golden obsession and in this first programme tells the story of Cocos Island with its reputed hidden hoard worth tens of minions of pounds. It is a story worthy of R. L. Stevenson but as yet it has no ending.... with FRANK NOLAN and the voices of EDWARD CAST, JAMES KERRY and DAVID PEART
Producer BRUN MILLER BBC Bristot
(. The Riddle of the Sands
with John Sergeant Editor DEREK LEWIS
(Details: Wed 10.0 am)
Traitors by STEPHEN SEWELL adapted for radio by DAVID NETTHEIM , with Miriam Margolyes as Anna and John Rowe as Krasin Russia 1927: Anna sees the rise of Stalin as a betrayal of the Revolution. Directed by FRANK ZEPPEL of the AUSTRALIAN
Last of ten programmes with Malcolm Billings Greece - The Laurion Silver Mines
A great new ' fount of silver ' discovered around 486 BC paid for the new Athenian fleet which defeated the Persians. Work has been progressing on the site, located on the southern slopes of Mount Michel at the upper end of the Agrileza valley, for several years and is revealing an amazing
Insight into the mining operations of that period. Producer JOHN KNIGHT BBC Bristol long wave only
(Details: Thurs 9.30 am) lung wave only
long wave only
This week Brian Johnston visits Glastonbury, the Somersettownwhich holds the secrets of the visit of Joseph of Arimathea. the Thorn
Tree, the burial place of King Arthur and the Abbey ruins. Helping among others to unravel fact from legend, are the Curator of the Abbey ruins and local historians. Producer GEOFFREY JAMES BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Mon 11.0 am) long wave only
Tom Vernon rides his bicycle from Exeter to Edinburgh: with an eye for the countryside and an ear for the people along the way.
IV: Woollybacks and Yellow bellies
The Cotswolds to Lincoln Producer JENNY de YONG
In the last of five programmes
Finlay J. Macdonald continues his reminiscences of a Hebridean boyhood as World War II developed. Defence and Self-defence It was difficult to decide which came as the greater surprise to the peaceful Hebrldean villagers, the sudden drafting of the men Into ' Dad s Army or the arrival of a bewildered RAF detachment exchanging the rumble of the London blitz for the roar of the wild Atlantic.
by Anthony Olcott
(Details: Wed 12.27 pm)
Teresa McGonagle invites Carmen Callll and John Gross to pick some paperbacks.
Producer PAMELA HOWE BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Thurs 4.10 pm)
Mozart Quartet In A (K 464)
At the end of 1955. Anthony Smith mounted a small motorcycle in Cape Town and rode north. This year he took the machine out of storage and with his son Adam set off to retrace his path. but this time from Cairo to Cape Town. In the 11th of 12 talks.
ANTHONY SMITH continues the story of his journey. The text of this talk is in THE LISTENER, Thurt 15 Sept
by Elizabeth Gaskell
(Details: Friday 3.0 pm)
Alun Williams presents his personal choice of poetry and prose with ElinorJonesand Frank Lincoln
' My father was a Welsh Nonconformist minister - indeed when I joined the BBC in Wales most of the staff were sons and daughters of the manse. Not a bad upbringing in preparation for a career In broadcasting.'
Recorded before an invited audience at The Dylan Thomas Theatre, Swansea.
Producer BRIAN PATTEN BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Thurs 11.0 am)
The Chief Rabbi, Sir
Immanuel Jakobovlts , reflects on the Jewish New Year.
Producer ROGER HUTCHINGS BBC Manchester
' There was nothing that I've tackled in my life that I was afraid of tackling: I might come unstuck, but my experience was that if you had the guts, you could do it.'
Nigel Calder presents a celebration of the life of his father Lord Rltchle-Calder. who died last year, from crime reporter on the Dundee
Courier, to science writer, to crusader for peace, plenty and international understanding.
Including contributions from TOM BAISTOW, LORD BROCKWAY, THE RT HON