News, weather, papers and sport
6.25 Shipping forecast long wove only
Presenters Brian Redhead and Wendy Jones f 45* Prayer for the Day with THE REV ADAM PORD
S.55, 7.55 Weather forecast
7.0, 8.6 Today's News Read by Brian ferkins 7 8.15* Sport
7.80, 8. SO News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day
8.15* Yesterday In Parliament
8.57 Weather: travel
An ordinary talk show with extraordinary people. Including Libby Purves ' birthday guest.
Producer ian gardbousi
long wave only
long wave only
The Middle of Nowhere by h. i. BATES Read by Kenneth Fortescue long wave only
nim, p 46; I heard the voice of Jesus say (BBC hb 143); Psalm 110; Luke 12, w 13-28 (neb): How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (BBC 03 142)
followed by travel long wave only
long wave only
Presenter Bill Brcekon
12.55 Weather; travel: programme news
Presenter Sir Robin Day
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
long wave only
Introduced by Sue MacGregor Including
Gueit of the Week:
Jeremy Isaacs, the Chief ExecutiveofChannel4. Take Your Partners
Please: RON alldridge
Investigates the revival of old-style tea-dancing at the Waldorf Astoria. The Book of Ebenezer Le Page (3) long wave only
Goodnight Mr Zero by MICHAEL WALL
Bernard makes a robot and discovers to his amazement that it seems to have human emotions.
BBC Manchester
The last of seven programmes in which
Frederick Woods presents poems drawn from the rich tradition of English folk song.
Love's Joys and Tears Reader ANN ARts
Producer frasir STtIL BBC Manchester
The radio critic Gillian Reynolds celebrates a favourite feature of her home town.
Wild Wood (8)
Presenters Robert Williams and Liz Donnelly on VHF until 5.55
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only S 55 Weather: programme news
Half-an-hour of reports from the BBC newsmen around the world
Including Financial Report
A musical quiz devised by EDWARD J. MASON and TONY SHRYANE
John Amis and Frank Muir challenge
Ian Wallace and Denis Norden In the Chair Steve Race Questions by stevi RACE Producer PETS ATKIN
(Repeated: Thurs 1.40 pm)
Investigations Into the problems of listeners - victims of unfair dealings, sharp practice, Injustice and even fraud. Presenter Roger Cook
4 August 1853: I began my services (such as they are) on Monday last and here I sit in my private room in the Consulate.
The office is a little patch o/ America with English life encompassing it on a sides.
The American novelist
Nathaniel Hawthorne was US Consul in Liverpool tor four years, and his journals give a sharp
Impression of Victorian Merseyside.
Stanley Williamson Introduces extracts with Producer
with Emma Thompson and special Euests
The HeeBeeGeeBees
Direct from its success on the A34 In Plymouth. the Traffic Jam Show tackles the East Lanes Road to celebrate Radio 4's tour of Merseyside.
Written by Richard stilgoe Producer miie craig BBC Manchester
In 1942 a group met in Oxford to decide what to do to alleviate the famine in Nazi-controlled Europe. They had a particular concern for Greece, and for the children.
Forty years on, the organisation we now call Oxfam works worldwide, and its budget runs to tens of millions of pounds. Richard Stanley looks at the growth of an Idea and questions today's Oxfam workers - from Haiti to the high street shop.
The master raconteur with a compendium of reminiscences and personal opinions.
Producer michael ford
The 1982 Wexford Festival continues a 31-year tradition of adventurous programming with performances of three operatic rarities in the Theatre Royal: Haydn's L'IsolaDtjabitata.
Alfano's Sakuntala and Massenet's Griseldis.
Paul Vanghan reports on the performances and meets some of the artists and visitors.
Producer BRIAN sarfield
John Morgan reporting
Anthony Holden and Anne Gregg present.... entertainment to put the steam back into radio.
Stories behind the news and people behind the stories - a run around the Inside track of showbiz, the media, money, books, music, fashion and politics.
I Uke It Here (3) long wave only
long wave only
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude
12.15-12.23* am Shipping forecast: inshore forecast