Presented from Northern Ireland by John Johnston
BBC Northern Ireland
6.25 Shipping forecast (long wave only)
Presenters John Timpson and Chris Lowe
6.45* Prayer for the Day
7.0, 8.0 Today's News Read by COLIN DORAN
7 30, 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day Editor JULIAN HOLLAND
A look ahead with Peter Jefferson
again tries to set the record straight with the help of the BBC Sound Archives.
(Repeated: Fri 11.45 pm)
8.57 Weather: travel
and a lively assortment of guests to entertain you with 55 minutes of live conversation.
Man in ridiculous position played by Kenneth Robinson
Producer piter estall
long wave only
NEM. p 62; A gladsome hymn (BP 1); Psalm 25, vv 1-10; II Samuel 1, vv
1-4, 17, 19-27 (Rsv); Judge eternal (BBC hb 393) long wave only
The Biographer by NANCY DALLAM SINKLER Read by David March Producer mitch raper
followed by travel long wave only
Brian Johnston visits Beaumaris in the Isle of Anglesey. Its name means beautiful marsh and appropriately, it is one of the most attractive small towns in Wales.
BBC Bristol
(long wave only)
with Norman MacCaig Readers BILL Simpson and DIANA BISHOP
Producer BRUN PATTEN BBC Bristol long wave only
Presenter Jennl Mills Editor JOHN GETGOOD
Les Dawson invites you to join him in listening to some entertainers and comedians who make him laugh; including the Voices Of JACK BENNY , ROBB WILTON , TONY HANCOCK.
12.55 Weather: travel; programme news
Presenter Brian Wldlake
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
long wave only
with Sue MacGregor including during the week some Talking Point discussions, Your Letters and other topics.
Among these today
The Best Things in Life: (4) Air. BRENDA KIDMAN explores the healthful properties of ionised air. A Portrait of Juliebv JULIE ORR rbridged in 13 parts by ELIZABETH BRADBURY Read by JUDI DENCH (5) Editor WYN KNOWLES
The Woman's Hour Book, L6.50, from booksellers long wave only
by Joan Sadler
The last of three programmes in which a notable ancestor is recalled by a notable descendant.
William Douglas Home on Lady Jane Douglas (1698-1753)
Producer BRUN PATTEN BBC Bristol
Catalina (11)
Presenters Gordon Clough and Paul Burden on VHF until 5.55
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather; programme news
Including Financial Report
(Repeated: Tues 1.40 pm)
(Revised repeat o/ 9.5 am)
A Dramatic Revival (1956-71)
A selection of plays from 15 years of British theatre. When Did You Last See My Mother? by CHRISTOPHER HAMPTON
An unusually outspoken piece when it was first presented on stage in 1968, Christopher Hampton's play is a subtle and highly dramatic study of the relationship of two young men who continually attempt to evade the sexual dimension of their friendship.
(First broadcast in 1967)
'You can be opening batsman for Australia, but you cannot write Paradise Lost.'
In the mid-1960s, the idea of an Australian writing a book was, to quote Thomas Keneally, like that of a cat riding a bicycle. By the late 1970s however, the writings of David Williamson, Frank Moorhouse and Peter Carey were being seen as evidence of a literary renaissance down under. Writer and critic John Baxter, a refugee in the 1960s from the Philistinism of his fellow Australians, wonders whether there really has been a change down under and whether the bleak landscape of his native land can really produce literature that is anything but second-rate.
Peter Paterson reporting Editor KEN GOUDIE
Presented by Peter Evans
What is happening in science? A weekly review of discoveries and developments.
When William Came (6) long wave only
long wave only
long wave only
Weather report; forecast long wave only followed by an Interlude