S.55 Weather; programme news
7.15 Apna Ili
Ghar Samajhive for Asian listeners.BBC Birmingham long wave only
7.45 Bells: long wave only
7.50 The Shape of God THE REV BRUCE DRIVER (Matthew 17, vv 1-9) long wave only
7.55 Weather; programme news long wave only
long wave only
long wave only
Presenter Clive Jacobs Producer JOHN NEWBURY long leave only
ROBERT HARDY invites you to support his appeal on behalf of Finchale Training College, which offers training facilities to people with all kinds of disability except blindness.
Donations, preferably by crossed PO or cheque, to: [address removed] long wave only
8.55 Weather: programme news
The second of five broadcasts during Lent on the theme:
The Fruit of the Spirit 2: Peace from Tilehurst Street
Baptist Church. Hitchin conducted by the Minister
THE REV L. H. J. WAUGH Preacher
THE REV DR DAVID RUSSELL Readings: Psalm 122 (Rsv); Galatians 5, vv 16-25 (RSV)
Introit: 0 Thou whose love has brought us here (Harwood)
Hymns: (from the Baptist Hymn Book) For the might of Thine arm we bless Thee (256); We bless Thee for Thy peace, 0 God (489);
Grant us Thy peace (660) Anthem: Fill Thou my life. 0 Lord my God (Thiman)
Omnibus edition Producer
Agricultural story editor ANTHONY PARKIN
BBC Birmingham
Introduced by June Knox -Mawer who discusses the increasing market for romantic novels with Betty Beaty. who writes them, Adrian Bourne , who publishes them, and Elizabeth Grey who is a reviewer; plus some weekday highlights.
by J. R. R. TOLKIEN prepared for radio in 26 episodes by BRIAN SIBLEY starring and 2: The Shadow of the Past ' You are the master of Bag End now. And with Bilbo's will and all the other documents, I fancy you'll find a golden ring.' 'The ring!' exclaimed Frodo. ' Has he left me that? I wonder why. Still, it may be useful.'
' It may, and it may not,' said Gandalf. ' I should not make use of it, if I were you. But keep it secret, and keep it safe!' with and With CHRISTOPHER SCOTT MICHAEL SPICE and HAYDN WOOD
Music composed and conducted by STEPHEN OLIVER
Episode adapted by BRIAN SIBLEY
Directed by JANE MORGAN
(Repeated: Wed 10.30 pm) (Gerard Murphy is a member of the Royal
Shakespeare Company)
Souvenir Tolkien posters available at £1.00 each
(p and p inct) from [address removed](POs and cheques payable to BBC Radio)
Derek Cooper surveys the industry and its products. Producer joy HATWOOD
12.55 Weather: programme news
Presenter Gordon Clough Editor DEREK LEWIS
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
(Details: Wed 10.2 am)
Huasipungo by JORGE ICAZA adapted by ELIZABETH GOWANS from the translation by MERVYN SAVILL with Nigel Davenport , Judy Franklin , Cyril Shaps and John Rye. Ecuador in the early 1930s. A landowner, whose last chance of averting total ruin is to build a road and open up the interior for
American speculators, has to buy more land, and the Indians who go with it, to provide 1 labour force: there is nothing else in his way, except the Indians' huts and hereditary plots of land - their ' huasipungos '.
Special music arranged and played by MALCOLM CLARKE of the BBC
Radiophonic Workshop.
long ware only
Arthur Negus and Bernard Price discuss listeners' queries.
Introduced by Hugh Scully Producer SARAH PITT
BBC Bristol: long wave only
Presented bv Peter France Producers ANNE BLAIR
with Tom Vernon
long wave only
Brian Johnston visits
Laugharne in Dyfed in South West Wales. It's a small town on the estuary of the Taf. with a court leet, a castle, many memories of the poet Dylan Thomas , and a fisherman who is its last remaining cockle gatherer. Producer
ANTHONY SMITH. BBC Bristol (Repeated: Tucs 12.20 pm) long ware only
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather: programme news: long wave only
Robert Hardy presents a series of six pictorial journeys through history, bringing together period songs and writings to create a kaleidoscope of British life as once it was lived.
2: Beware the Recruiting Sergeant
How the British Army was recruited in the years before Waterloo, and the day-to-day life of the hapless redcoat. Recalled by Charles West. Henry Stamper and Michael Greatorex with SHEILA MATHEWS , CHARLES YOUNG AND HIS SINGERS AND MUSICIANS
Compiled by GERALD FROW Producer JOHN DYAS (Charles West is in ' Annie ' at the Victoria Palace Theatre, London)
A magazine of special interest to disabled listeners with countrywide news and views.
Presenter Marilyn Alan Reporter KEVIN MULHERN
Correspondence address: BBC, Broadcasting House, London W1A 4WW
5: The Birth of The Great Dictator '
' Chaplin was like my grandfather in that he totally controlled everything he undertook. Without any question, he was the greatest theatrical artist of our time.'
In this series of six conversations with John Miller. Laurence Irving , Sir Henry's grandson, looks back over his career in theatre and films and explains what the ' Irving tradition ' means to him.
The Archbishop of York, The Most Rev
Dr Stuart Blanch , gives a series of six lectures for Lent on what is sometimes called The Second Table of the Ten Commandments. 2: Murder
Questions for discussion in groups or for consideration by the individual listener: (1) What original comment have you to make on the increase of violent crime in Britain? (2) How would you distinguish terrorism from any other military campaign engaged in for political purposes?
(3) In the light of the warning of Jesus Christ, can anger ever be justified in our relationships with other people? Introduced by Colin Semper
Schumann Carnaval. Op 9 SHURA CHERKASSKY (piano) (Part of a recital given at the Queen Elizabeth Hall , London, on 1 November 1970)
Frank Delaney introduces the magazine programme about books.
The BBC's Home
Correspondents and reporters examine current topics and aspects of national life. Presenter
Angus McDermid
A Portrait of Iraq
Iraq, potentially one of the richest countries in the Middle East, has been at war with Iran for nearly six months. How long can President
Saddam Hussein maintain national unity if the conflict continues? Can Iraq's ambitious development plans be carried out despite the war? How fast can the country modernise without threatening internal stability?
Peter Mansfield , who has just returned from Iraq, reports on the country and its problems.
' On that subtle world of hidden values - we are beginning to suspect - everything else depends. You have reached this point? You have reached the end of your search. But it is only the beginning.'
A meditation from Cecil Lewis
Westminster's committees at work - extracts and discussion.
Presented by David Coss Producer
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude