News, weather, papers, sport
Market prices and intelligence, the weather, and what's new for farmers
Introduced by Brian Redhead with LIBBY PURVES Including at
6.45* Prayer for the Dan With ROBERT RIETTY
7.0 and 8.0 Today's News Read by COLIN DORAN
7.30 and 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day
medium only from 9.48 Wildlife in the Garden
With the countryside changing and shrinking, our gardens are increasingly havens for a wide variety of wildlife - birds, hedgehogs and frogs, field-mice and butterflies, even foxes and badgers. How much can we, as caring participants in a complicated ecological scheme, help and encourage their presence? Should we discourage some of them? How much should we leave them alone to balance nature in their own way?
The naturalist Phil Drabble and Mike Everett , of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, are in the studio to answer your questions and hear your experiences about the wildlife in your garden.
In the Chair Judith Chalmers Produced by the Woman's Hour Unit
The lines are open from 8.0 am
medium only
medium only
How would you cope if, in an emergency, you were asked to take over the controls of a large jet airliner and bring it safely to land by instructions from ground control? Clive Jacobs experiences a frighteningly real flight into danger in an aircraft training simulator. Producer MICHAEL GILLIAM
NEM, p 79; The Lord doth reign (BBC HB 476); Canticle 6, part 2; Luke 19, vv 11-28 (NEB); 0 food of men wayfaring (BBC HB 209)
medium only
Mrs Vincent by H. E. BATES Read by Margot Boyd
"You're lucky," she said.
" You don't have to stay here. We can't get out. But you can. You can get out. You can go." '
medium only
medium only
Alex Marshall in Crime on the Knock by JOHN HAMBLETT
Norma's husband belongs to the ' Purity for Earth ' Society. Along comes Royston Gooseberry threatening blackmail. Will he expose Norma as the former Tammy Bristols , the porn queen?
Directed by PETER KING
medium only
(Rev 's broadcast at 10.30)
Presenters George Luce and Molly Price-Owen
Presented by Brian Widlakt
medium only from 2.0
Introduced by Sue MacGregor The Art of Survival: extracts from speeches at the Women of the Year luncheon.
2.0-2.2 News
A Canadian Renaissance: JUDITH WILLCOX with the musical Huggett family of Ottawa. Reading Your Letters.
Work in Progress: NOEL BARBER talks about the book he's working on. Dr Wortle's School (12)
medium only
Story: The Wobble in the Wheel by ANNE WELLINGTON
One of the most famous love stories in fiction, adapted for radio in four episodes by TERENCE COOPER from the novel by ALEXANDRE DUMAS the Younger with Sarah Badel , Gary Bond Stephen Murray , Denise Bryer Episode 4
Directed by IAN COTTERELL (First broadcast in 1975)
Jane and Prudence (7)
Presented by Brian Widlake
Peter Clayton says: ' Thank you, Mr Walpole ' for telling us what to call our chance disc-coveries.
5.55 medium only
Weather and programme news
Including Financial Report
Thrills, spills and anticlimax in the antidote to panel games Tim Brooke-Taylor and William Rushton compete with Graeme Garden and Barry Cryer who dispute with chairman
Humphrey Lyttelton who falls out over a trifle with pianist colin SELL who sides with the Producer GEOFFREY PERKINS
(Repeated: Thursday 12.27pm) (Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graeme Garden are in 'The Unvarnished Truth ' at the Phoenix Theatre, London)
(Repeated: Wednesday 1.30 pm)
with Frank Lincoln
Religious poetry can take many forms - and there's satire as well as solemnity in this selection.
(Repeated: Saturday 11.20 am, medium only)
A second chance to hear the late Henry Longhurst discussing with Derek Jones how he combined his love of golf with an enthusiasm for natural history, illustrated with wildlife recordings from the BBC Sound Archives.
BBC Bristol
(First broadcast in 1976)
as Radio 3 followed by an interlude
Douglas Stuart reporting
The last seven days put in a questionable way by Barry Norman to
Alan Coren , Richard Ingrams Clement Freud , MP and Katharine Whitehern
Newsreader JOHN MARSH
Compiled and produced by DANNY GREENSTONE and GEOFFREY PERKINS
Rogue Male (2)
Radio 4's International Business Report; Market Trends
Weather report and forecast followed by an interlude