6.22 Farming Today
6.40 Prayer for the Day REV STANLEY BRINKMAN
Introduced by John Timpson
Including at 6.58 and 7.50 Travel news, What's on, and (6.50 only) Keep Fit; Weather and programme news at 6.55 and 7.55.
At 7.0 and 8.0 J
News j and more of Today with Sports- desk at 7.25 and 8.25; Today's Papers at 7.35* and 8.35'; and' Thought for the Day 7.45-7.50
Read by DAVID MARCH (7)
(Shortened version of Saturday's broadcast)
NEM. p 93; My God. accept my heart this day (BBC HB 356); Psalm 90, vv 1-12; Ephesians 1, vv 17-23 and 2, vv 1-10 (NEB); Forth in thy name (BBC HB 406)
from Scotland
Suspended Sentence by DOROTHY HAYNES
A tale of time travel in a street and a very personal feud Read by Mary Riggans
A chance to hear again some favourite entertainers of a few years ago.
Claude Dampier and Billie Carlyle : Mrs Gibson said so Leonard Henry : D'you like my titier!
Series compiled by EDWARD TAYLOR
Presenter Nigel Murphy
Rabies.... is it strictly for mad dogs. or can Englishmen get it tOO? MOLLY PRICE-OWEN reports.
Weather, programme news
and voices and topics in and behind the headlines introduced by William Hardcastle
from 2.0 - Introduced from Bristol by Daphne Hubbard
First Catch Your Bus....: KATHRYN ADIE at a village bus-stop investigating the dwindling local service.
2.0-2.2 News
Johnny Mathis : in the West Country during his nationwide concert tour.
Reading your letters. MEG WYNN OWEN reads
Look Back with Love (3) by DODIE SMITH
Story: Jane is Mother Today by FETTY BEVAN
Norman A. Clarke Esq by JOHN HYNAM
Th2 life and times of a broadcaster-about-town Producer MICHELL RAPER
A Raft of Swords by DUNCAN KYLE
Read by GEOFFREY WHEELER 4: Recovery Plan in Action
The news magazine: presented by William Hardcastle and PM's reporting team
5.50 Financial Report
5.55 Weather, programme news
'twixt Isobel Barnett
Eleanor Summerfield and David Nixon. Paul Jennings
Steven Jessel presenting world news and views
A selection of listeners' letters continuing the discussion in last Friday's Any Questionsf Introduced by DAVID JACOBS Producer ROY HAYWARD
(Repeated: Friday, 4.5 pm)
Write to Any Answerst, BBC, Bristol BS8 2LR
A series of 12 programmes presented bv Rene Cutforth 3: The Scum of the Earth
In this third programme we hear how Wellington has been much misunderstood for using that famous phrase about his Peninsular army of 1808-14. What he actually said was this: Our army is composed of the scum of the earth. People talk of their enlisting from their fine military feeling - all stuff - no such thing. Some of our men enlist from having got bastard children, some for minor offences, many more for drink.
He wasn't far wrong, but he added this sentence which is usually omitted:
It is really wonderful that we should have made them the fine fellows they are. With Other parts JACK CARR. JOHN BULL KERRY FRANCIS , DENIS MCCARTHY PETER PACEY , PETER TUDDENHAM HECTOR ROSS , STEPHEN THORNE PAUL GAYMON. BETTY BASKCOMB Musical direction by CHARLES CHILTON
Written and produced by ROBERT CRADOCK in association with the National Army Museum
Greece Without Colonels
With the colonels' regime overturned as a result of the Cyprus fiasco, the Communists legalised, elections promised and NATO rejected, the political face of Greece has changed overnight. But how much has really altered behind that face, and where is the nation heading?
Gerald Priestland has been visiting Greece to find out.
Presenter Paul Vaughan Producer TONY GOULD
Douglas Stuart reporting
The Constant Nymph by MARGARET KENNEDY
Read by JUNE BARRIE (13)
Radio 4's International Business Report; Market Trends
4: Derek and Jean Tangye gave up their glamorous London life to go and grow flowers in Cornwall. They took with them one cat. but over the years millions have read about their encounters with gull, drake, donkeys and more cats ...
preceded by Weather