6.27 Farming Week: presented from the North by KENNETH FORD
6.45 Prayer for the Day
The world this morning: what Britain's getting up to. plus the news from anywhere on earth, introduced by John Timpson and Robert Robinson
6.50 Travel news. What's on, and Keep Fit with Eileen Fowler VHF: Regional news, weather
6.55 Weather, programme news
7.0 News and more of Today including at 7.25 Sportsdesk; at 7.40 Today's Papers
7.45 Thought for the Day
7.50 Travel news, What's on VHF: Regional news, weather
7.55 Weather, programme news
8.0 News and more of Today including at 8.25 Sportsdesk; at 8.35 Today's Papers
Regional VHF: see Variations
has been disrupting the BBC Sound Archives library again, and has come up with more old favourites from the Bumper Book of Bygone Broadcasts.
Linda Blandford , Zena Skinner Fritz Spicgl and who knows who take .a lively took round and meet some of the people for whom this is a special week. Producer MICHAEL EMBER
9.55 Movement and Music II by JAMES DODDING
(Repeated: Thursday, 2.20 pm)
NEM p 99; Father. 0 hear us (BBC HB 260); Psalm 46; Matthew 20. vv 17-28 (RSV); Soldiers of Christ, arise (BBC HB 366)
10.30 Halb gewonnen! (1)
(An O-level course in German) Written and produced bv STEPHEN KANOCZ
11.0 Singing Together introduced by FERGUS O'KELLY
11.20 Springboard (7-9) Making Sense
11.40 Drama Workshop
Presenter Nancy Wise
Your Money - earning, saving and spending it
The Weeks Work.... can be dispiriting on the shop floor. MOLLY PRICE OWEN finds out how things can be improved.
Your Income Tax coding form for next year: ALAN ROYLE of the Inland Revenue explains why you'll be getting it earlier. Other topical items too, and What's On Your Mind7
VHF South West: see Variations
and voices and topics in and behind the headlines introduced by Robert Williams
Story: Mr Moon looks for Ginger by MARY EDEN
2.0 Exploration Earth
1: Ra, the papyrus boat by GARRY LYLE : an adaptation of the book The Ra Expeditions by Thor Heyerdahl
2.30 Speak. Happiness. Some of the ways to look for happiness and young people's views
2.4A Movement, Mime and Music II by BRIAN SANDERS
The Horse's Mouth
Travels with Charley by JOHN STEINBECK adapted in five parts and read by Marvin Kane
In 1960 the American novelist John Steinbeck , who later won a Nobel Prize for such books as The Grapes of Wrath and East of Eden, went on a journey throughout America in order to rediscover his native country. This is a personal journal of his travels. 1: New England
Producer BRIAN MILLER (from Bristol)
The news magazine: presented by Robert Williams and PM's reporting team
5.50 VHF: Regional news. weather
5.55 Weather, programme news
Written and adapted for radio from their television series by PAULINE DEVANEY and EDWIN APPS The Bishop Entertains starring and with This week's guests: Producer
(Repeated: Wed, 12.25 pm)
(Repeated: Tues, 1.30)
Adam Raphael presenting world news and views
by H.G. Wells: abridged in ten parts by Howard Jones
Read by David Davis
The Dismissal of Parsons - one of Mr Polly's bosom companions at the Port Burdock Drapery Bazaar.
('Love and Mr. Lewisham' by H.G. Wells: BBC2 Thurs, 8.30)
A not-particularly-solemn quiz in which Ned Sherrin puts literary questions to literary people: This week:
Francis Hope. Michael Frayn David Benedictus
Questions compiled by BARRY CARMAN and GORDON SNELL Producer ALAN JONES
(BBC World Service production)
Modern Theatre
First of a series of plays which have been instrumental in influencing major changes in the theatre in the past century. Caste by T. W. ROBERTSON adapted for radio by NORMAN WRIGHT
Presented in 1867. when spectacle and scenic wonders called for song rather than speech, Caste, a realistic straight play, marked the eclipse of burlesque and a new era of theatre fare began, with Tom Robertson acknowledged as the first modern English dramatist.
Frances Jeater as Polly Eccles John Rye as Captain Hawtree Susan Maudslay as Esther Eccles Michael McClain as George D'Alroy Fabia Drake as Marquise de Saint Maur Geoffrey Wincott as Eccles Robin Browne as Sam Gerridge Narrator WILLIAM SLEIGH Pianist ANNA BERENSKA
Vincent Dugglcby reporting
A Room with a View by E. M. FORSTER
preceded by Weather
11.31 Market Trends