6.27 Farming Week: presented from the South West by DAVID BUTLER
6.45 Prayer for the Day
The world this morning introduced by John Timpson and Robert Robinson
6.50 Travel news, What's on, and Keep Fit with Eileen Fowler VHF: Regional news, weather
6.55 Weather, programme news
7.0 News and more of Today including at 7.25 Sportsdesk; at 7.40 Today's Papers
7.45 Thought for the Day
7.50 Travel news, What's on VHF: Regional news, weather
7.55 Weather, programme news
8.0 News and more of Today including at 8.25 Sportsdesk; at 8.35 Today's Papers
Regional VHF: see Variations
takes a look through the BBC Sound Archives and finds. among other things, that the interview is a very ancient art form.
Linda Blandford. Zena Skinner Fritz Spiegl and who knows who take a lively look round and meet some of the people for whom this is a special week. Producer HUGH PURCELL
NEM p 80; The God of love my Shepherd is (BBC HB 474); Psalm 34, vv 1-10; Matthew 17, v 24, to 18, v 10 (rsv); Be thou my Vision (BBC HB 316)
(Forbes Robinson broadcasts by permission of the General Administrator, Royal Opera House Covent Garden)
To an outsider, the jargon of the business world sounds totally meaningless. As a matter of fact, as used by J. Megler of Comsol, it is totally meaningless. But young Percy proves that once the jargon has been mastered, and the right background acquired, a man may go far.
Nancy Wise presents the Radio 4 series that tackles topics of direct concern to you.
Your Money - earning, saving and spending it
Pocket Money: how much should you give - and how much should be earned?
Other topical items too. and a selection from your letters in What's On Your Mind?
VHF South West: see Variations
and voices and topics in and behind the headlines introduced by Robert Williams
Story: The Football Match by MARGARET JOY
BBC SCOTTISH RADIO ORCHESTRA conducted by MARCUS DODS including music by Glazunov and Beethoven IAN WALLACE singing British songs with WILFRID PARRY (piano) Producer ALAN OWEN
In the Absence of Mrs Petersen by NIGEL BALCHIN
The Professor by CHARLOTTE BRONTE* abridged for radio in five parts by VIRGINIA BROWNE-WILKINSON Read by John Daglish
This was Charlotte Bronte's first novel, published posthumously in 1857. Like many first books, the story lies very close to the author's own experience. It tells of two lonely and persecuted beings whose hardness towards a hostile world is prevented from dominating their natures by their love for each other.
1: Sowerthwaite
Producer HERBERT SMITH (from Manchester)
The news magazine: presented by Robert Williams and PM's reporting team
5.50 VHF: Regional news, weather
5.55 Weather, programme news
Written and adapted for radio from their television series by PAULINE DEVANEY and EDWIN APPS The Bishop Beats the System starring Robertson Hare as the Archdeacon
William Mervyn as the Bishop
John Barron as the Dean and Jonathan Cecil as the Chaplain ROBIN BROWNE as Second Verger This week's guest:
Deryck Guyler as The Verger Producer JOHN DYAS
(Repeated: Wed, 12.25 pm)
(Repeated: Tuesday, 1.30 pm)
Gerald Priestland presenting world news and views
by H. G. WELLS : abridged in ten parts by HOWARD JONES Read by David Davis
Everything little Mr Polly undertakes seems to fail. How in the end he discovers himself and attains happiness is related by H. G. Wells with great sympathy and humour.
1: Beginnings and the Bazaar Producer GRAHAM GAULD
(' Love and Mr Lewisham ' by H. G. Wells : BBC2 Thurs. 8.30)
A not-particularly-solemn quiz in which Ned Sherrin puts literary questions to literary people.
This week: Alan Bennett
Clive James. Melvyn Bragg Questions compiled by BARRY CARMAN and GORDON SNELL Producer ALAN JONES
(BBC World Service production)
Suzanna Andler by MARGUERITE DURAS translated and adapted for radio by BARBARA BRAY with Vivien Merchant and David Buck
Husband or lover? Under a screen of superficial banality, the author of Hiroshima, mon Amour probes deeply and sensitively into the mind of a rich and beautiful woman poised on the brink of emotional crisis.
John Tusa reporting
A Room with a View by E. M. FORSTER : abridged by ARTHUR CALDER-MARSHALL Read by Gabriel Woolf
' We'll change,' said the old man. ' 'You can have our rooms, and we'll have yours.'
That is quite out of the question. thank you.' said Miss Bartlett.
' But why? Women like looking at a view; men don't.' He turned to his son. George, persuade these ladies! ' Producer JOHN CARDY
(First of 15 instalments)
preceded by Weather