BETTY HARDY chooses lines from Charles Peguy 's Mystery of the Holy Innocents
7.55 Weather; programme news
8.10 Sunday Papers
First of four services during Advent on the theme of The Return of Jesus
1: The Second Coming from the Roman Catholic Chapel of the Dominican Convent, Chingford: conducted by CANON MARTIN HORKAN
Preacher FR HERBERT MCCABE, OP Readings: Luke 3
Music: 0 come, thou wisdom; I lift up mine eyes (Psalm 120); On Jordan's bank; Alma Redemptoris Mater (Patestrinat; Wake. 0 wake
Choir of the Church of Our Lady of Grace and St Teresa , Chingford
visits the London Division,, Freight Transport Association. Questions answered by: COURTENAY EDWARDS , Sunday Telegraph; BILL DALE , Reed International; SUPT K. FREATHY , Kent County Constabulary: ED-WIN s. FODEN, executive director of a vehicle manufacturers. Chairman PETER WEST
Produced by JIM PESTRIDCE at 11.43* the latest traffic report
A countrywide look at politics from outside Westminster Presented from Bristol by GEORGE SCOTT
Introduced by Edward Greenfield
A music critic's choice of what's new and what's always around us in the arts - including Fidelio, the Sadler's Wells Opera production to commemorate the Beethoven bicentenary, and Wildlife Safari to Ethiopia, Jeffery Boswall 's TV series on BBC1.
12.55 Weather: programme news
The One O'Clock News leads off this 60-minute up-to-the-minute report presented by Anthony Howard.
Members of the Dorrington and District Horticultural Society put their questions to
Produced by KENNETH FORD (Repeated: Tuesday, 4.0 pm)
with Ronald Pickup , Jane Asher Sheila Allen
A conversation between Lord Byron and Mr Thomas Medwin at Pisa in 1821, in which his Lordship reveals the circumstances of his marriage to Annabella Millbanke in 1815 and their subsequent separation the following year.
Special sounds by BRIAN HODGSON (BBC Radiophonic Workshop) Produced by RAY MILES
(Ronald Pickup is a National Theatre Player; Jane Asher is in 'The Philanthropist' at the May Fair Theatre, London)
An occasional series of dramatic reconstructions based on contemporary documents and relating to famous events or characters from history.
ARTHUR NEGUS and BERNARD PRICE discuss listeners' questions With HUGH SCULLY
Produced by PAMELA HOWE (from Bristol)
Read any good books lately*
With 22 shopping days to Christmas, this programme is devoted to recently published books and records about wildlife which you might like to give - or receive!
Introduced by DEREK JONES Produced bv DILYS BREESE (from Bristol)
(Shortened version: Wed. 9.5 am)
A weekly magazine of special interest to blind listeners
Shopping List: HONOR WYATT suggests some ideas for Christmas presents
Getting It Taped: JUNE ROSE reports on how blind people can get recipes, knitting patterns, and other short items recorded for them Introduced by DAVID SCOTT BLACKHALL
Produced by THEN A HESHEL
FRANKLIN ENGELMANN recently visited Rainham in Kent
Produced by PHYLLIS ROBINSON (Extended version: Wed, 7.30)
5.55 Weather; programme news
A serial for radio in 12 parts based on the novels of L P. HARTLEY and adapted by ARCHIE CAMPBELL 9: Under False Colours
The sights and sounds of Venice and the splendours of the Palazzo Sfortunato fill Eustace with a new sense of wonder, but Lady Nelly's insistence on introducing him to Venetian society as a ' budding author ' proves not a little embarrassing.
JOHN TIMPSON of Today talks about a subject of topical interest that has caught his attention,
Wendy Craig gives the Christmas Appeal for Children in Need of Help
Donations, preferably by crossed PO or cheque, to: Children in Need of Help, [address removed]
All donations received are distributed by the BBC on the advice of its Appeals Advisory Committees. Charitable organisations whose work falls within the terms of the appeal should write for information to the Appeals Unit, [address removed]. Organisations in the Regions should write to Appeals Organiser[address removed]
Sally Le Sage (soprano) Sybil Michelow (contralto) Ian Partridge (tenor) John Elwes (tenor) John Carol Case (baritone) Tilford Bach Festival Choir
Continuo: Derek Stevens (organ) Olga Hegedus (cello) Francis Baines (double-bass)
Tilford Bach Festival Orchestra, leader Trevor Williams, conductor Denys Darlow
From the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Part 1: Cantatas Nos 1-3
CLARE BENNETT tells how it is that her painting 'Jonquils' by P. Wilson Steer means so much to her.
Part 2: Cantatas Nos 4-6
by Dr Donald Schon followed by questions from an invited audience
3: The Evolution of the Business Firm
The classical business firm as it was understood up to the period of the Second World War was organised around a product such as shoes ' or ' energy.' Since then the business firm has had several turning points. In its most recent and most sophisticated form so far. Dr Schon argues, it may well, through its structure, have something of real importance to contribute to society at large.
(This lecture, recorded at the Society of Industrial Artists and Designers in London, will be published in The Listener dated 3 Dec. Next Sunday: How Innovation Spreads)
The promise of salvation
All the day's news