Animation featuring two rival thumb wrestling teams. The untested Weredog faces off against the maniacal technology of the evil Sinistra, the Visitor.
Children from across the UK talk about their interests and passions. Conor explains the pain his younger sister, seven-year-old Alice, injects into his world. Show more
The latest national and international news stories from the BBC News team, followed by Weather.
The latest weather forecast.
Detailed weather forecast.
Series investigating the media revolution. Janet Street-Porter finds out how papers are coping with radical changes to the industry. Show more
Costume drama. Lark Rise and Candleford are filled with fun and anticipation with the inauguration of a clock, paid for by James Dowland. But sadness looms for the Timmins family. Show more
Pete Owen Jones's epic journey exploring the world's beliefs continues in the Middle East, taking him to Syria, Samaria, northern Iraq and Jerusalem. Show more