More views of Britain from the children of the '60s and '70s. Their refreshing, uncomplicated universal observations are as valid now as they were back in the day. Show more
Film telling the story of a Christmas tree through the 'voice' of the tree itself. The tree has big ambitions, doing everything it can to grow so tall that it reaches the sky. Show more
Swarm: Nature's Incredible Invasions
Episode 2: One Million Heads, One Beautiful Mind
1 hour on BBC Four
Documentary series revealing the swarm intelligence that lies behind animal invasions, featuring bats, herring, flies, crabs and fire ants. Show more
Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain with Simon Sebag Montefiore
Episode 3: Nation
59 minutes on BBC Four
Simon explores Spain's golden age under Philip II through to the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship under Franco, from which it has emerged as a modern democratic monarchy. Show more
Iain Stewart reveals ten remarkable stories about avalanches, including how the deadliest one killed 18,000 people in three minutes and why another solved an aviation mystery. Show more
Classic film noir set in postwar Vienna. A visiting American investigates the apparent death of a friend and uncovers some unpleasant truths. Show more
Swarm: Nature's Incredible Invasions
Episode 2: One Million Heads, One Beautiful Mind
1 hour on BBC Four
Documentary series revealing the swarm intelligence that lies behind animal invasions, featuring bats, herring, flies, crabs and fire ants. Show more
Dr James Fox tells the story of Paris in 1928, where talents like Magritte, Dali, Bunuel, Hemingway, Gershwin, Josephine Baker, Cole Porter and Le Corbusier flourished. Show more
Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain with Simon Sebag Montefiore
Episode 3: Nation
59 minutes on BBC Four
Simon explores Spain's golden age under Philip II through to the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship under Franco, from which it has emerged as a modern democratic monarchy. Show more