Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Huggleboo discovers a beautiful butterfly, and calls him Wing. Show more
Tha Bing aig Pà rtaidh Aodach-oidhch’ aig taigh Sula agus tha e a' gabhail an eagail. Bing is at a Pyjama Party at Sula’s house and he gets frightened. Show more
Tha iomadh seòrs’ ionnsramaid ga chluich an-diugh – fuaimneach, ach ceòlmhor cuideachd! There are lots of instruments being played today, noisy but also musical! Show more
The Abadas are playing in the mud in the garden when Ben invites them to play another great word game. What will today's word be and who will be chosen to look for it? Show more
Series 1
Tha mis’ a’ dol a dhèanamh m’ airgead fhèin!/I am going to make my own money now!
7 minutes on BBC ALBA HD
Petit and his friends decide to create their own money and buy anything they want. Show more
Tha na lìomaran a’ gluasad gu crò ùr an-diugh. The lemurs are moving to a new enclosure today. Show more
Pà druig MacCuinn a’ leughadh An e an dòigh a bhios tu giogalais? Peter MacQueen reads An e an dòigh a bhios tu giogalais? Show more
Ronia is happy to see Biorach Beag but she refuses to return home. When the Sgiamhagan chase after Ronia and Biorc, it is with great difficulty that they manage to escape! Show more
Tha Mrs NicArtair air tà lant ùr a lorg sa chlas ealain aice. Mrs MacArthur has unearthed a new talent in her art class. Show more
Tha na mèirlich ri teicheadh air trèan 's air itealan ach cha ghèill Tintin idir. The crooks escape by train and plane but Tintin doesn't give up the chase. Show more
Romain Pizzi examines a coati and a lemur that are poorly, while Hector Low is busy with sheep at lambing time. Show more
The studio guest is Dr Marsaili MacLeod from Sutherland, and Calum Maclean is in Barra visiting one of the world’s most distinctive airports. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nà iseanta is eadar-nà iseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
It's early spring and seeds have sprouted, the greenhouse goes up and Peter gets seed potatoes. Trà th san Earrach, sìol a’fà s, taigh-glainne an à ird agus gheibh Pà druig sìol bhuntà ta. Show more
Coinnich iadsan a tha ag obair leis an là n. Meet those who live and work with the tide, from China’s Xiapu fishermen to the Skye Ferry skippers. Show more
Robert Robertson presents music from the Trad Awards and from past Trad Winners, with Sheila Stewart, Griogair Labhruidh, Lori Watson and Karine Polwart amongst others. Show more
Mill owner Seumas MacSween collapses. Tha an dà rna sreath a’ tòiseachadh le brag agus ceannard na muilne, Seumas MacSuain, a’ leigeil roimhe. A bheil e beò no marbh? Show more
Documentary examining the work of the Highlands and Islands Development Board during the 1960s, originally aired in 1970. Show more
A tourist and his wife visit Fraochy Bay and decide to pay a visit to the local museum with its ambitious exhibits relating to local history. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.