Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Huggleboo’s mum and dad are cleaning the flat. Huggleboo has to tidy her room, too but she really doesn’t want to do it. Show more
Linda visits her friends Meaban and Moo with a challenge. Today they must find stars. Show more
Tha obair dachaigh Izzy ga toirt fhèin 's Shane air chuairt a-muigh air an dùthaich. Izzy's homework assignment sees herself and Shane take a trip out to the countryside. Show more
Ben reads Seren, Hari and Ela a bedtime story. When it ends, the Abadas decide to play the word game, which sends Hari to a windy garden looking for an owl. Show more
Tha Iasg-èibhinn ag innse dhuinn uile mu dhèidhinn fhèin an-diugh. A Clownfish tells us all about himself today. Show more
Tha Bing caran teagmhach mu bhith dol sìos an t-sleamhnag ùr aig an raon-chluich'. Bing is feeling a bit apprehensive about going down the new slide at the playground. Show more
Sgeulachdan Gudrun, a’ Bhana-phrionnsa Lochlannach. The King’s Bowman teaches Gudrun the old Viking skill of archery. Show more
Dave is determined to win this year’s sports day, finally making Betty’s dreams come true. Show more
Tha na mèirlich ri teicheadh air trèan 's air itealan ach cha ghèill Tintin idir. The crooks escape by train and plane but Tintin doesn't give up the chase. Show more
Tha Shifu airson 's gum bi Po nas ùmhal, ach tha am plòigh a tha e gabhail a dol ceàrr. Shifu wants Po to become more humble in his duties, but his strategy soon backfires. Show more
Chan eil Luana ag iarraidh dad a dhèanamh ach ball-coise a chluich ‘s a bhith ann an sgioba. Luana has dedicated herself to football, improving her game and joining a team. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach seachdainn le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA. Show more
Cumbernauld Gaelic Choir sing O Airson Ceum nas Dlùith do Dhia, while Innes MacSween, Neil MacLennan and Iain Morrison perform Psalm 33. Show more
Tha Kate a’ faicinn leumadairean agus a’ tadhal air Bhuidha Mhòr. Kate sees a pod of dolphins and visits Vuia Mhor. Show more
Heather Dewar visits Skye where she draws a colour portrait of Neil MacKinnon. Fraoch Nic an Deòir san Eilean Sgitheanach a’dèanamh dealbh dathte de Niall MacFhionghain. Show more
Sgeulachdan pearsanta bho chuid a bha an sàs ann an Speaking our Language. Personal and hilarious stories from those involved in making Speaking Our Language. Show more
Tha euslaintich thar-phlanntachaidh fhaighinn 'beatha ùr'. Transplant patients are given a 'new life'. Show more
Òrain agus puirt-à-beul le Sian bho Na Trads, 2019. Sian perform a song and set of puirt-à-beul at Na Trads, 2019.
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Aig èirigh na grèine, tha Calum airson dealbhan a thogail den Teallach air taobh siar Rois. Calum Maclean races to beat the sun rise for beautiful shots of An Teallach in Wester Ross. Show more
TV journalist Katrine Fonsmark gets the scoop of her life when an anonymous source contacts her with important security policy information. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.