Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tilgear cruinn thaobh cò thèid do na sgòthan còmh' ri Agi. Cò air a bhios deagh fhortan? Lots are cast to see who goes to the clouds with Agi. Who'll be the lucky person? Show more
Eilidh visits Rose and her beautiful greyhound dogs, Libby and Marvin. We learn how to look after dogs and find out about all the activities they get up to together. Show more
Huggleboo is staying at Grandma and Grandpa Moustache’s farm. A lot of animals live there, like chickens, sheep and a cat. Show more
Taghadh farsaing de dh’òrain bho Carrie, Linda, Ruairidh agus sgioba CBeebies ALBA. A selection of songs from Carrie, Linda, Ruairidh and the CBeebies ALBA presenters. Show more
Suzy is coming to visit today. Rita and Suzy are best friends and have known each other for a long time. Show more
Tha feòrag mhì-mhodail a tighinn eadar Shane agus biadh an latha diugh! A cheeky squirrel comes between Shane and his dish of the day! Show more
Gilleasbaig Fearghasdan a’ leughadh Am Prionnsa Cinders. Gilleasbaig Ferguson reads Am Prionnsa Cinders. Show more
Na Dana-thursan aig Tintin/The Adventures of Tintin
Series 1
Taisgealaichean Air A' Ghealaich – Pairt 1
22 minutes on BBC ALBA HD
Available for 6 months
Tha 'n dol a-mach aig Adag ga chuir fhèin,Tintin san sgiob' air fad ann an cunnart mhòr. Captain Adag's behaviour puts himself, Tintin and the entire crew in grave danger. Show more
When Nidza plays football with his friends, things don’t go his way as he finds himself locked in a cellar and is petrified of the dark! Show more
Tha Calum a’ coimhead ri cumhachd san àm ri teachd.
Calum looks at future sustainable developments. Show more
Calum Dòmhnallach le taghadh de na còig criomagan a b’ fheàrr a chòrd ris fhèin. Calum Macdonald introduces a selection of his favourite facts. Show more
Justus is delighted to become a 'soldier' defending Germany. He and a handful of other young boys are to hold a village street against the Americans. Show more
Iain Mackenzie discusses the poem “Air Mòinteach Shuardail” by Lewis poet Derick Thomson. Iain MacCoinnich le iomradh air an dàn “Air Mòinteach Shuardail” le Ruairidh MacThòmais Show more
Gaelic rapper Hammy Sgìth and learner Liam McCormick join Joy in the studio, while Calum Maclean takes to the wing in Glasgow, trying out a pastime in which many Scots participate. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
A’ spothadh each Przewalski’s, lannsaireachd air retriever is beathaichean beag Bharraigh. A Przewalski’s horse gets castrated, cats and dogs in Barra and surgery on a retriever. Show more
Unique access to Lewis singer-songwriter Colin Macleod as he tours on both sides of the pond. Show more
Daoine bho air feadh Alba a tha a’ gabhail chun an rathad mhòir anns na bhanaichean-campachaidh aca fhèin. Meeting Scots who have taken to the open road in campervans. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
Torquil Farquhar has just been left stranded on a dummy iceberg in Fraochy Bay as the lifeboat abandons its training session and heads off to a real life emergency. Show more
Iain Mac'ìllemhìcheil a' tadhal air Eaglais na h-Alba air feadh na Roinn-Eòrpa. John Carmichael explores the Church of Scotland, in locations throughout Europe. Show more
Mairi MacLeod talks about the poem “An t-Seann Dachaigh” by Elizabeth Sutherland. Màiri NicLeòid le iomradh air an dàn “An t-Seann Dachaigh” le Ealasaid Shutharlanach. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.