Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Seòras, athair Pompon, a' toirt leasan iasgaich do Phompon. Pompon's father Seòras teaches Pompon how to fish. Show more
Eilidh Cormack meets young pet owners who share how they care for and interact with their pets at home. In this episode, Eilidh is joined by Sally and Helen, and their rabbits Jasper and Delilah. Show more
Huggleboo is staying at grandma and grandpa’s farm. As a surprise she has picked flowers from the garden for a bouquet, but will this really make grandma happy? Show more
Tha an Sàrdan beòthail ag innse dhuinn mar a bhios iad a' gluasad fad na h-ùine. The lively sardine tells us how they are constantly on the move. Show more
Tha Meaban is Moo a' peantadh rudan gorm. Meaban and Moo are painting blue things. Show more
Rita and Crocodile have a day out to the zoo and see lots of interesting animals. Show more
Tha Honey ag ionnsachadh mu obair-sgioba ‘s i cur fèis bìdh air dòigh cuide ri Izzy. Honey learns the importance of teamwork when she and Izzy try to organise a festival. Show more
Wilma NicUalraig a’ leughadh Am Bèibidh agus an Abhocàdo. Wilma Kennedy reads Am Bèibidh agus an Abhocàdo. Show more
Tha Tintin 'son faighinn a-mach carson a tha na spreadhaidhean connaidh a' tachairt. Tintin wants to find out why these fuel explosions are taking place. Show more
Chan eil cùisean riaraichte nuair a tha dà bhràthair ri farpais an aghaidh a chèile. Things aren’t harmonious when two brothers compete against one another. Show more
The CBBC ALBA team learn about life in the 17th century on a visit to Mary King’s Close in Edinburgh. Show more
A wolf steals Red Riding Hood’s cakes. A court case ensues and the outcome isn’t as bad for the wolf as first feared. Show more
Fraoch Nic an Deòir a' dèanamh dealbh dubh is geal dhen streapadair Eòghain MacFhionghuin. Heather Dewar draws a charcoal portrait of mountaineer Ewan MacKinnon. Show more
We meet Gaelic learner Caroline Quinn from Trinidad and Tobago, while Calum Maclean is in Portmahomack, Easter Ross, learning about his heritage. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Murdo Macdonald explores Ardkinglas Gardens in Argyll. Murchadh Dòmhnallach a’cur eòlas air Gàrradh Àird Chonghlais ann an Earra-Ghaidheal. Show more
Cathy MacDonald celebrates Muriel Spark’s classic, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’ moladh sàr-sgeul ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ le Muriel Spark. Show more
Sùil air eachdraidh agus uirsgeulan na h-iolaire ann an Alba. Cailean Maclean explores the myths and history that surrounds the eagle in Scotland. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap based on the Isle of Lewis.
Martin MacGregor talks about the lullaby and elegy “Griogal Cridhe” by Marion Campbell. Màrtainn MacGriogair le iomradh air a chumha “Griogal Cridhe” a rinn Mòr Chaimbeul. Show more
Young South Uist singer Ruairidh Gray performs To God be the Glory, while Iain Alasdair MacSween from Harris explains the role of faith in his life. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.