Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Hare is always the first to enjoy a new day, but today she doesn’t even want to get out of bed. Something must be very wrong. Show more
Tha Pip is Posy ealantach le foileagan an-diugh ach chan eil iad fada bàidheil le chèile. Pip and Posy are being artistic with pancakes, but they’re not friendly for long. Show more
Rita and Crocodile visit a castle and find out that these buildings were big, important homes where royal people lived.
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Ernest is honoured when the mayor asks him to sing the "Song of the Bears". But when his voice starts acting up, who can replace him? Show more
The wind blows so hard that it scares Huggleboo. Fortunately, she is allowed to join her mum and dad in the big bed. Show more
Ailig Dòmhnallach a’ leughadh Eanraig agus an Yeti. Alec MacDonald reads Eanraig agus an Yeti.
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An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
Series 2
Ughagan Banana/Do Zombies Dream of Custard
11 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for 7 months
Zombie Katie is shocked by the taste of one of Gran’s Fishermen’s Enemy sweets. Show more
Tha Coinneach Clogaid, le tùs-bheachd eile, a’ feuchainn ri bhith cruthachail. Coinneach Clogaid, thanks to another one of his ideas, is very creative today. Show more
Tha Stella breugach ri Mia is Freya ach am faigh i mathanas bhuapa. Stella lies to Mia and Freya, but will they forgive her? Show more
Tha oidhche gheamaichean teaghlaich gu bhith ann ach am bi e spòrsail? There’s going to be a family game night, but will it be fun? Show more
Gaelic comedy for young viewers. Della, Lou and Marco are keen to impress the hotel inspector who has arrived on the island. Will Number 3 ever get another star? Show more
Sweeny gets some bad news - the chickens have to go into lockdown because of the threat of avian flu. Show more
The studio guest is Dr Marsaili MacLeod from Sutherland, and Calum Maclean is in Barra visiting one of the world’s most distinctive airports. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Mairi’s busy getting plants in the ground. She learns about natural dyeing and flower growing as a business. Show more
Na thùs brosnachaidh dha iomadh ginealach de nursaichean. The life of Florence Nightingale, a source of inspiration for generations of nurses. Show more
Claudia Winkleman fronts BBC ALBA’s ‘Na Traoidhdearan’, and Jordan still struggles with the official language of his office! Show more
Coinneach MacFhraing make his first trip to the Island of Arran and enjoys discovering some of its ridges and precipices. Show more
Cathy MacDonald explores the fact behind the fiction of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Cathy Dhòmhnallach a’lorg na fìrinn air cùl na sgeòil a rinn Shakespeare mu MhacBeatha. Show more
Ramsay follows in Scottish legend Rob Roy’s footsteps in Stirlingshire’s hills and glens. Ramsay an tòir air Rob Ruadh MacGriogair a measg nam beann san gleann sna Trosachan Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.