Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Goraidh, Ailig is Cailean a’ togail thaighean dhaibh fhèin – ach ciamar a thèid dhaibh? Goraidh, Ailig and Cailean are building their own houses, but how will they get on? Show more
Taghadh farsaing de dh’òrain bho Carrie, Linda, Ruairidh agus sgioba CBeebies ALBA. A selection of songs from Carrie, Linda, Ruairidh and the CBeebies ALBA presenters.
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Brush invites Hare, Fox, Owl and Tusk for a fancy game of croquet. Jack shows up uninvited and wants to play, too. Show more
Tha AH-AH ‘s a charaidean airson taic a thoirt do Chùlag gus am faigh e chun na gealaich. AH-AH and friends want to help Cùlag so that he gets to reach the moon. Show more
Linda visits her friends Meaban and Moo with a challenge. Today they must find yellow items. Show more
Dolina Nic Nic’Illinnein a’ leughadh Cion Fhaclan. Dolina MacLennan reads Cion Fhaclan, by Natalie Russell. Show more
Aithne air Ainmhidhean/All About Animals
Series 1
Episode 8: Ròsaidh an Rèin-fhiadh/Rosie the Reindeer
24 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
Featuring Rosie, a four-day-old reindeer living with her family at Ivvavik National Park in Canada. Show more
An-diugh, gheibhear dealbh air beatha Ailig Dhòmhnallach @12 bliadhna dh'aois. We get an insight into Alec Macdonald's life at 12 years old. Show more
Tha Mùmantrobha air a tharraing a-steach do dhùbhlain geamhraidh le Mgr. Brisg. Mùmantrobha is drawn into taking part in a winter sports competition with athlete Monseigneur Brisg. Show more
An e cuibhl' an fhortain a tha seo? Is this the wheel of fortune?
Tha Ehrinn a’ farpais an aghaidh preasantairean CBBC ALBA ach saoil cò shoirbhicheas? Ehrinn competes against the CBBC ALBA presenters, but who will emerge victorious? Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Jessie looks in the attic for some old china and finds a lost masterpiece. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap based on the Isle of Lewis.
Ross Christie talks about a poem by little-known Argyll poet Katharine Whyte Grant. Ross Christie le iomradh air dàn le Catriona NicIlleBhàin Ghrannd à Earra-Ghàidheal Show more
Past stories covered include evidence of drug misuse escalating throughout the Highlands; and rising cancer levels among women in Caithness and Galloway. Show more
Featuring a look at some examples of the earliest dwellings in Scotland, dating back to the Iron Age. Show more
Niall Iain MacDonald presents highlights from the first day of the TRNSMT festival from Glasgow Green. Show more
Seamus O' Sullivan aig Na Trads 2017 agus e a' cluich 'Hornpipes'. Seamus O' Sullivan performs Hornpipes at the 2017 Trads.
After only a few short months as prime minister, Birgitte Nyborg has negotiated her first finance bill into place. Show more
Ceitlin Smith presents some of the best Irish traditional music from the 2018 Doolin Folk Festival. Among the performers are Muireann NicAmhlaoibh, Paul Brady and Lunasa. Show more
Two freshly arrived Scottish settlers in 1780s Nova Scotia are in for a big surprise in their new home and turn to the fast-talking land agent for help. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.