Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Gudrun agus Olaf a’ tighinn tarsainn air rèin-fhiadh a th’ air chall. Gudrun and Olaf find a lost reindeer. Show more
Tha aig Pàdraig ri brògan fìor shònraichte a thoirt gu Seonaidh. Pat is asked to deliver a very special pair of shoes to Seonaidh. Show more
Shane is busy preparing a new, special breakfast menu. However, he faces a problem when Magaidh’s hens escape, leaving him without any eggs to serve! Show more
Just as the Abadas finish tidying up, Ben has a new word to look for. Will the Abadas find out where it is hiding? Show more
Tha na muncaidhean a’ fàs gu math mì-mhodhail. The monkeys are becoming very cheeky. Show more
Fiona Dunn reads Nop, written and illustrated by Caroline Magerl, and translated into Gaelic by Donald John Macleod. Show more
When Colonel K goes on holiday, Danger Mouse steps in. However, he can't handle the paperwork, do the missions himself or control the agents. Show more
Tha Ronia air cead fhaighinn a dhol dhan choille airson a’ chiad turas. Ronia has been given permission to go out into the forest for the first time Show more
Tha sinn an dòchas nach bi duilgheadasan aca lem pòilean ‘s iad ri farpais leum-bata. Today it’s pole-vaulting, how will it go? Show more
Matilda loses patience when she feels that her friends Charlie, Bob and Felicia only see her powers as a way to have fun. Show more
Dugie Ross’s dinosaur museum is busy, the sheepdog trials are held in Staffin and it’s Mod time for young musicians Clann Thròndairnis and the Kilmuir Drama Group. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
History short looking at new forms of moving.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Iona Whye and Calum Bayer discuss books of special interest to them. Show more
A bizarre story of addiction, lust and murder on Scarp in the late 19th century. Fact or island folklore? Show more
Ruairidh agus Uisdean a' còcaireachd Thai Green Curry, Tandoori Chicken & Paratha. The lads are preparing a curry for Saturday night. Show more
Neapàl - Suidheachaidhean cunnartach air an t-slighe gu sgoil. The extreme dangers facing the children of Nepal as they journey to school each day. Show more
Tha Calum MacIlleathainn a’ gabhail rothair air an tràigh airson dealbh sònraichte a lorg. Calum Maclean is in Aberdeenshire, biking down the coast in search of a special photo. Show more
Ramsay travels to Glenfinnan with its iconic viaduct and stays in an old train carriage. Ramsay a’ siubhal gu Gleann Fhionnainn, agus a’cadal ann an seann trèan. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.