Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Muireall is Goraidh a' tuiteam a-mach – is tha an treubh airson 's gum bi iad rèidh. Muireall and Goraidh fall out – the farmyard gang want them to be friends. Show more
Tha Oona 's Silky a' lorg slige ùr do Bernie. Preschool animation. Oona and Sily undertake the important task of finding Bernie a suitable new shell. Show more
Padraig Post: Seirbheis Deis agus Sonraichte
Series 3
Episode 5: Pàdraig Post agus A' Phartaidh Fhoileagan
15 minutes on BBC ALBA
Tha stuth foileag ri lìbhrigeadh an-diugh. It's the day of the Pancake Race, but Pat must deliver the pancake mix first. Show more
Huggleboo is going fishing in the pond with Grandpa, who tells her repeatedly to be careful. Huggleboo is, but is Grandpa? Show more
Al and Bob are set to cook up a storm together, but kitchen arguments soon break out! Show more
Màiri Anna NicUalraig a’ leughadh Bellag Bana-bhuidseach. Mary Ann Kennedy reads Bellag Bana-bhuidseach. Show more
Aithne air Ainmhidhean/All About Animals
Series 1
Episode 4: Eboo an t-Ailbhean Afraganach/Eboo the African Elephant
24 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
Featuring newly-born African elephant, Eboo, who lives with his family in Amboseli National Park. Show more
Tha Niamh à Inbhir Nis ag innse mu na rudan as fheàrr leatha. Niamh from Inverness tells us about her favourite hobbies. Show more
Aig na Geamaichean, tha ‘ad a’ togail chuideam an-diugh agus, mar a shaoileadh tu, tha gnothaichean toinnte. At the Games they’re lifting weights and, as expected, there is chaos.
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Nuair a gheibh na Mùmanan searbhant, chan eil e furasta dhaibh fàs cleachte ri a dòighean. When the Mùmans get a maid, it's not easy for them to get used to her ways. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Peter MacKay talks about the poem “Tha thu air Aigeann M’Inntinn” by Iain Crichton Smith. Pàdruig MacAoidh le facal mun dàn “Tha thu air Aigeann m’Inntinn” le Iain Mac a’Ghobhainn. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
History short looking at Germans in the 1930s.
Colin MacLeod explores the links between language and landscape, exploring Glencoe and walking in Kintail and Glen Affric. Show more
Boireannaich Steòrnabhaigh an aghaidh na ‘Orkney Dragons’. Stornoway Ladies play against the Orkney Dragons. Show more
Documenting the place of village halls at the heart of communities across Scotland throughout the 20th century. The tearing down of many old village halls marks the end of an era. Show more
November 1939, Nazis destroy Jewish businesses, set synagogues alight and kill hundreds of people during the ‘Night of Broken Glass’. Show more
Calum MacIlleathainn a’ snàmh ann an Lochan na Poite faisg air a’ Chomraich. Calum MacLean swims in a loch near Applecross. Show more
Music show presented by Cathy MacDonald, filmed during Celtic Connections 2016 and featuring singer Siobhan Wilson, Kathleen NicAonghais, Dermot Byrne and Blue Rose Code. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.