Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Chan eil deagh ghairm-dùsgaidh aig Coinneach an Coileach oir tha amhach goirt an-diugh. Coinneach the cockerel isn’t able to crow today as his throat is sore. Show more
Tha Lulla a seinn òran son toirt air cach cadal ach 's ann a tha e gam fàgail nas beothail! Lulla sings a lullaby to help her friends get to sleep, but it only leaves them more awake!
Tha Rita agus Crogall a’ dol dhan taigh-dhealbh an duigh a dh’fhaicinn fiolm dìreach mu shìthichean. Rita and Crocodile go to the cinema today to see a film all about fairies. Show more
Join the team as they encourage young children to pronounce and form Gaelic sounds and words from particular groups of letters. In this programme, the letter 'L'. Show more
Let’s find out about the world with Kit and Pup! Kit and Pup are exploring the opposites loud and quiet. Pup plays a quiet flute whilst Kit is happy with the loud drums. Show more
Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ rannsachadh diofar stuthan; an-diugh tha iad ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn pàipear. Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s paper. Show more
Mòrag Anna NicNèill a’ leughadh Chan Fhaic Cearcan san Dorchadas. Morag Ann MacNeil reads Chan Fhaic Cearcan san Dorchadas. Show more
Tha Snaoisean air a bhith ri cleasan ach, ‘s e a charaidean a tha gus a choire fhaighinn! Snaoisean has been playing tricks, but his friends are about to get the blame! Show more
Mr Papardelli, the speaking potato to whom Matilda gave life, returns along with his family to visit Paper Port. Show more
Làrach togail air bun-stèidh làidir agus an neart air cùlaibh cuibhle-shnìomh. Create a building site with a firm foundation and discover the real muscle behind a spinning wheel. Show more
Cycling sisters Kerry and Kirsty MacPhee check out Scotland's favourite bike routes. In this episode, they cycle through Applecross with wild swimmer Calum MacLean. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners, presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
Roddy John MacLeod reads the poem Òran Mòr MhicLeòid. He talks about a time in history when old clan traditions placing importance on music were fading as the next generation of chiefs took over. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Meeting players from the Stornoway Ladies rugby team and coach Angus ‘Bubble’ MacKay as they begin their first season playing in the Caledonia North League. Show more
Sealladh air a’ bhuaidh a th’ aig Parkinson's air daoine. A look at the impact of Parkinson's. Show more
Robert Robertson a’ taghadh ceòl is òrain a tasglann Na Trads. Robert Robertson selects music from the Trad Awards archives Show more
Dùsgadh His Bloody Project sa Chomraich. Cathy MacDonald explores the fact behind the fiction of Graeme Macrae Burnet's critically acclaimed novel His Bloody Project. Show more
Tha maorach a’ còrdadh ri na seòid agus sa phrògram-sa tha iad a’ còcaireachd le crùbag. The lads love seafood, this episode specialises in crab recipes. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.