Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Rita agus Crogall a’ dol a dh’iasgach ach tha Crogall a’ ghacadh tòrr èisg ach cha mhòr gu bheil Rita a’ faighinn gin idir. Rita and Crocodile go on a fishing trip. Show more
Tha Coco a toirt a chreidsinn air Bing g' eil e fàs sìos an àite suas! Coco has Bing believing that he's getting shorter instead of growing! Show more
Chan eil Bing a' faireachdainn gu math 's mar sin, chan urrainn dha cluich aig taigh Sula. Bing isn't feeling very well and so can't go to Sula's house to play today. Show more
When the burrow is flooded the family decide to go exploring the outdoors together. Show more
Animated fantasy adventure show. A new spell causes problems for Tom, but Muru knows how to give him the confidence he needs. Show more
Daibhidh Walker a’ leughadh Bi air d’ fhaiceall ron Chrogall. Daibhidh Walker reads Bi air d’ fhaiceall ron Chrogall. Show more
Tha Po ag ionnsachadh g' eil fìor chumhachd gu tric ag atharrachadh dol-a-mach duine. Po learns that to have great power can often change a person - and not for the better. Show more
Tha Ria à Leòdhas ag innse mu na rudan as fheàrr leatha. Nam measg tha ealain, snàmh agus bèicearachd. Ria from Lewis tells us about her favourite hobbies which include art, swimming and baking. Show more
Pierce a pencil through a bag of water without spilling a drop and learn the secrets of levitating limbs. Show more
Iasgach a' bhradain air cuid de na h-aibhnichean is àlluinne an Alba - cuide ri Neen NicAoidh. An odyssey through Scotland's fishing rivers with Neen MacKay.
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners, presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Anna Nicleòid a’ còmhradh ri dithis neach mu na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha. Anna Macleod is in conversation with Martin MacIntyre and Joy Dunlop about their favourite books. Show more
The story of a remote area's ambition to build a community centre on the edge of a cliff in Uig, Isle of Lewis. Show more
Robert Robertson presents music from the Trad Awards and from past Trad Winners, with Sheila Stewart, Griogair Labhruidh, Lori Watson and Karine Polwart amongst others. Show more
Sealladh spòrsail, inntinneach air saoghal surfaidh eilean Leòdhais. John Murdo MacAulay takes a fun-filled and revealing journey into the world of surfing on the Isle of Lewis. Show more
Featuring versions of Calum Sgaire and Cànan nan Gàidheal performed by Karen Matheson with an international cast of musicians. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.