Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Ceitidh Mòrag suspects that there are strange things afoot on Struay and with the help of Granny Island she sets about solving the mystery. Show more
Pincidh Dincidh Dù
Episode 10: Pincidh agus Snaidhm an Spaghetti (Pinky and the Super Spaghetti Knot)
13 minutes on BBC ALBA
Pincidh and Mgr Gearra-mhuc are the best tightrope walkers at the circus - until their tightrope disappears. Show more
Tha Mario trang a' cruinneachadh feusgain, gun foir aige g' eil an làn a tighinn a-staigh! Mario becomes so involved in gathering mussels that he doesn't notice the rising tide! Show more
Ben has a new Abada word - windmill. Ela is chosen to go on today's adventure, but where will she head to find a windmill? Show more
Eòghann MacEunraig a’ leughadh Sgeulachd Bruis-fhiaclan. Ewen Henderson reads Sgeulachd Bruis-fhiaclan. Show more
Danger Mouse learns the meaning of fear when he meets a hair-raisingly spooky villain! Show more
Le taic bho Dhol Ang, tha Aileag ‘s an Sgioba ag iomairt gus òr Bherc a ghoid air ais. Hiccup and the Riders, with help from Dagur, hatch a plan to steal Berk's gold back.
Investigative guides about members of the animal kingdom. Featuring Wilbur, who as a wildebeest, learns how to walk within minutes of being born. Show more
Clann a' Chogaidh Mhoir/Small Hands in a Big War
Episode 7: Revolution
25 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
Drama series telling the story of WWI as seen through the eyes of children. In this episode, a young Russian boy enlists in the war effort after his family is killed. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
History short looking at active children.
History short looking at dances of the world.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Lannsaireachd air sùil liopard sneachda; X-ray air ailigeutair, agus laogh le cas briste. Surgery on a snow leopard’s eye, an alligator gets x-rayed and a calf with a broken leg. Show more
Opry le Daniel a’ comharrachadh beatha George Jones. Air aithris le Anna Nic na Ceàrdaich. Opry le Daniel celebrates the life of George Jones. Narrated by Anne Sinclair. Show more
Calum MacIlleathainn a’ snàmh ann an Lochan na Poite faisg air a’ Chomraich. Calum MacLean swims in a loch near Applecross. Show more
Documentary taking a fascinating look at the vital part that ports have played in the communities of Scotland's west coast. Show more
Ailean Dòmhnallach a' lìbhrigeadh prògram ciùil le Fras. Allan MacDonald presents performances from Bruce Gandy, Fras and James Duncan MacKenzie. Show more
Iain MacFhionghain le measgachadh de laoidhean, sailm agus sgeulachdan pearsanta mu chreideamhIain. Iain MacKinnon presents a mix of hymns, psalms and personal faith stories. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.