Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ rannsachadh diofar stuthan; an-diugh tha iad ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn peant. Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s paint. Show more
Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ rannsachadh diofar stuthan; an-diugh tha iad ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn pàipear. Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s paper. Show more
Tha an sgioba air cruinneachadh gus cluich ach tha caraid ùr Mhossy a' cur chùisean iomrall. The gang have gathered for a playdate, but Mossy’s new friend causes a bit of bother. Show more
Padraig Post: Seirbheis Deis agus Sonraichte
Series 3
Episode 18: Pàdraig Post agus Uilebheist Loch Nis
15 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
Tha Peigi a' feitheamh parsail caran annasach. Pat is tasked with delivering a very important package to Peigi. Show more
Series about a little boy who has a pair of wellingtons which can grant wishes. William makes a wish and a new adventure begins.
Nuair a tha Bing is Sula ri sreap chraobhan, tha Bing ga lorg fhèin steigte. When Bing and Sula climb trees in the park, Bing finds himself stuck up a tree. Show more
Siobhan NicAonghais a’ leughadh An Rud as Mìorbhailiche. Siobhan MacInnes reads An Rud as Mìorbhailiche. Show more
Nuair a gheibh na Mùmanan searbhant, chan eil e furasta dhaibh fàs cleachte ri a dòighean. When the Mùmans get a maid, it's not easy for them to get used to her ways. Show more
Tha na farpaisich ri feannsaireachd ach tha cùisean nas coltaiche ri farpais chon-chaorach. The competitors are fencing today but it would appear to be more akin to sheepdog trials .
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Bring science to life with fun experiments you can try at home. Find out what puts the fizz into cola and make see-through eggs. With Kerry Anne MacLeod and Allan MacDonald. Show more
Hillwalker Colin MacLeod discovers the meaning of the place names of the Highland landscape. He explores the Perthshire area of Scotland. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
Series of history shorts.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Heather Dewar draws a colour portrait of Ishi MacLean from Barra. Tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir a’dèanamh dealbh dhathte de dh’Ishi NicIlleathain a Barraigh. Show more
A fast-paced look at the young dancers from around Scotland as they prepare to take part in the World Highland Dancing Championships. Show more
Tha Donneil a’ strì ri bhith a’ mùchadh a chiont. Donneil struggles to contain his guilt. Show more
Catriona MacPhee and Donald MacSween present the best of the action from day three of the International Sheep Dog Trial in Aldsworth. Show more
An tèid aig na seòid air moladh fhaighinn bho Marcello? The lads visit renowned chef Marcello Tully and attempt to impress him with their culinary skills. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.