Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Padraig Post: Seirbheis Deis agus Sonraichte
Series 3
Episode 3: PÃ draig Post agus An Cearban-sgiathach
15 minutes on BBC ALBA
Tha parsail fìor shònraicht' aig Pà draig airson Là Mothachaidh Beatha na Mara - cearban. It is Sealife Awareness Day, and Pà draig delivers an unusual parcel - a shark. Show more
Tha na caraidean a' lorg dìthean sònraichte. The friends find a field of wishing-puffs, but what will happen when Ellie needs to sneeze?
Many in the village have a cold and are feeling extremely unwell. So Izzy makes a very tasty soup which also has healing qualities. Show more
Tha gnìomh chudromach mu choinneamh Òigear. Maurice wants Òigear to show his ferocious side when he takes him on a hunting lesson. Show more
Tha Bing 's Sula a' cluich geama ach tha eas-aonta a nochdadh mun dèideag, Hoppity Voosh. Bing and Sula have a new game but soon fall out over Bing's Hoppity Voosh toy. Show more
Tha Bing troimhe chèile nuair a thuiteas an leabhar 's fheà rr leis dhan amar! Bing is upset when his favourite bedtime storybook falls in the bath! Show more
An toir dannsa a’ chapaill-choille brosnachadh do Ghudrun agus Frida son Là Bealltainn? Will the capercaillie’s unusual dance inspire Gudrun and Frida for May Day? Show more
Tha caraiche ainmeil a tighinn dhan bhaile, ged nach e an laoch air a bheil cuimhn' aig Po. A famous wrestler is in town but he isn't quite the hero that Po remembers him to be. Show more
Tha Lucas à Leòdhas ag innse mu na rudan as fheà rr leis. Lucas from Lewis tells us about his favourite hobbies. Show more
A shròn a cur dragh air mun taigh ùr air an t-srà id, tha Luke ga chur fhèin ann an cunnart. Luke finds danger in the new house on the street. Show more
Bitzer's over-officious management style becomes too much for the sheep, who decide it's time for him to chill out. Show more
Light-hearted look at historic civilisations and their inventions. Travel back to Maya civilisation with Calum, Kerry Anne and the History Hunters. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nà iseanta is eadar-nà iseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nà iseanta is eadar-nà iseanta gach seachdainn le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA
Compilation show featuring a selection of hymns and psalms from the series, including Govan Gaelic Choir singing 'Laoidh Chaluim Chille' and Norrie MacIver with Psalm 103. Show more
It’s a very special time for Sweeny as he welcomes the first calf to be born on the croft since his grandfather was a crofter. Show more
Series following the first working year of the Harris Distillery. This episode sees the team producing both Harris gin and Hearach whisky. Show more
The life story of the little-known mother of former US president Donald Trump, Mary Anne MacLeod, a Gaelic-speaking Scottish island immigrant. Show more
Ceòl traidiseanta le Mà nran bho chuirm ann am Barrowland. Traditional music from Mà nran in concert at a sold-out Barrowland. Show more
Johanna is dragged into the murder investigation. Brynjar has Snorri taken into care. Show more
Calum MacIlleathainn a’ snà mh aig loch gu math mòr agus gu math domhainn, Loch Mòrair. Calum swims in one of the biggest and deepest lochs in Scotland, Loch Morar. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.