Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Feumaidh Pàdraig peapagan a lìbhrigeadh gu partaidh na peapaig ann an àm an-diugh. Pat has to deliver pumpkins for the school's pumpkin party. Show more
Tha Peekaboo a fàgail slighe dhathach às a dèidh, a tha a còrdadh ri Witzy. Peekaboo leaves a colourful trail which Witzy has lots of fun following. Show more
Shane solves a problem which arises when Milly the goat eats the flowers which Sid has bought as a present for Penny. Show more
Tha deargannan nam fìor chrois do Mhiguel bochd 's an tachas ga chur craicte. Poor Miguel has fleas and is being driven crazy by the constant itching. Show more
Bing wants to make a pretty picture for Sula but has a little accident with the glue pot! Show more
It seems that everyone has a knack for doing something that's special to them, everyone but poor Bing! Show more
Tha Gudrun agus Olaf a’ feuchainn ri luch anns an stòr ghràn a dhìon bho chat. Gudrun and Olaf race to rescue a mouse in the grain store from the cook’s cat Show more
A thief has been running riot in the village, stealing from everyone. Po heads the mission to capture the criminal. Show more
Airson a bhi laidir, feumaidh tu. Buntàta Amh invents some DIY weights.
Ard-Sgoil a' Chnuic Annasaich/Strange Hill High
Episode 13: Crìoch na Criochnachair
25 minutes on BBC ALBA
Tha neach-teagaisg matamataic ùr san sgoil ach chan eil i idir mar a bhathar an dùil. Children's series. There is a new maths instructor in school. Show more
Light-hearted look at historic civilisations and their inventions. Travel back to Aztec civilisation with Calum, Kerry Anne and the History Hunters. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA
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Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach seachdainn le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA Show more
Calum Alex MacMillan performs Psalm 37, Glasgow Gaelic Musical Association sing A Mhoire Mhìn-gheal, and Lachie MacLeod talks about the role religion plays in his life. Show more
Sweeny focuses on new life on the croft as we head into spring, one of his favourite times of the year, but there is plenty to be done. Show more
The team are under pressure to be in production before the grand opening day arrives. Show more
An ceòl as fheàrr bho Thatù Dhùn Èideann le luchd ciùil bho iomadh diofar dhùthaich. Coverage from the stunning Military Tattoo, including performers from China and Africa. Show more
A hand-drawn animation by Catrìona Black about the Iolaire disaster and its lasting impact on the Lewis community. Show more
Calum a’ feuchainn snàmh chun an Uaimh Bhinn air eilean Stafa. Calum Maclean attempts to swim in to Fingals Cave on the isle of Staffa. Show more
Spring of 1971, Johanna, a professor of Nordic studies, returns to the Icelandic island of Flatey to attend her father's funeral and gets embroiled in a mystery. Show more
History short looking at Germany in 1958.
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.