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Tuesday's "Ten to Eight".
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time look at life around the country and across the world
Introduced by JACK de MANIO
Faith in Living
and Programme News
The Private Life of the Fox
ROGER BURROWS takes TONY SOPER and DEVRA KLEIMAN around a fox trail in Gloucestershire
Shortened version of Sunday's broadcast
Introductory music
9.35 The SERVICE
Lift up your hearts (Tune,
Interlude: Enemies and Allies.
Jealousy and generosity: part 2
The Prayer for Friends
Father, hear the prayer we offer (Tune, Gott Will's machen)
New Every Morning, page 29
Most glorious Lord of life (BBC
H.B. 398)
Psalm 57
St. Mark 7, vy. 1-23
Be thou my guardian and my guide (BBC H.B. 135)
Written by Emile Harven
Intermediate French series
3: Soft and Loud Noises by HARRY ARMSTRONG
Junior Science series
JOHN Huw DAVIES helps you to sing in two parts about circus animals
Songs: Rehearsal On with the show
Here come the animals
Written and produced by William Murphy
The British Overseas in the Sixties
This week:
The British in South-East Asia
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Tuesday's broadcast (Light)
1: The rock garden
Granite is a name known to most people and examples of it may be found in the buildings- of most towns by MACDONALD HASTINGS
Exploration Earth series
Scenes from the play by John Drinkwater adapted by Robert Gittings
Part 2
Books. Plays, Poems series
by Margaret J. Miller
Nature series
The Vicar Knows Best
A play for radio by Michael Pickering
To Jean the country vicarage seems ideal as soon as she sets eyes on it. Her husband Peter is less enthusiastic and subsequently comes to fear the hold the house, with its unexpected contents, has on his wife.
Produced by DAVID H. GODFREY
and his music
GARDIENS DE LA Paix BAND and a vocal ensemble play and sing music written for the First Consul in France on a gramophone record
from St. Michael's College Tenbury, Worcestershire
Introit: Call to remembrance
Preces and Responses (Byrd) Psalms 47. 48. and 49 Canticles (Gibbons, Short Service) Lessons: Exodus 8. vv. 1-9
Colossians 4, vv. 2-18
Anthem: Miserere met (Byrd)
Organist and Director of Music, LUCIAN NETHSINGHA
A magazine of interest to all. with older listeners specially in mind, including:
A Moment of Magic: STEVE
RACE reflects on passages of music that may have made the composer smile
On the Verandah: 2—
ROSAMUND HARCOURT SMITH recalls her early life in a 300-year-old house in India during the British Raj
Date with a Doctor
Introduced by KEN SYKORA
The Island of Sheep by John Buchan adapted as an eight-part serial by Felix FELTON . and Susan ASHMAN with Malcolm Hayes
8: The Riddle of the Tablet
Produced by STEWART CONN in the BBC's Glasgow studios Felix Felton and Malcolm Hayes broadcast by permission of the Royal Lyceum Theatre Company. Edinburgh
and Programme News
from the Albert Hall ,
Nottingham Stephen Bishop (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader, Hugh Maguire Conducted by Pierre Boulez
Part 1
Behind the bright modern facade of the Italian Riviera steep rocky paths lead up into the foothills of the Appenines. It is this sharply contrasting world that Kenneth Bisset and his wife have explored and which he describes.
Part 2
Five-round contests between
London and the Regions
London v. Northern Ireland
Round 3
Quiz-Master, LIONEL HALE
Northern Ireland:
Quiz-Master, Roy PLOMLET
Arranged by Patrick Harvey
Tuesday's broadcast
The News
Background to the News People in the News
gives the first of four Lent talks on Problems of Christian Belief
1: About God
Quartet No. 2, in D major played by the LONDON STRING Quartet Carl Pini (violin)
John Tunnell (violin)
Keith Cummings (viola) Douglas Cameron (cello)