Michael Portillo travels by camel along what was the Silk Route to the village of Osiyan, where desert tribes still follow traditional lives. Show more
Michael Portillo embarks on a railroad journey from Boston, Massachusetts, to Toronto, Ontario. Michael joins the Sons of Liberty aboard ship in Boston harbour. Show more
Michael Portillo's 19th-century Appleton's guidebook leads him to the Parker House Hotel, where in his best pinny, he whisks up a Boston cream pie. Show more
Led by his Appleton's guidebook and tracing the footsteps of the Pilgrim Fathers, Michael Portillo heads for Plymouth, the home town of America. Show more
Great American Railroad Journeys
Series 3
Episode 4: Providence, Rhode Island, to New London, Connecticut
29 minutes
First broadcast: on BBC Two ScotlandLatest broadcast: on BBC Four
Available for years
Michael Portillo visits a club that traces its roots back to the 1840s. Michael joins in with a legendary open-air 'clambake'. Show more
Great American Railroad Journeys
Series 3
Episode 5: New Haven, Connecticut, to Mount Washington, New Hampshire
29 minutes
First broadcast: on BBC Two ScotlandLatest broadcast: on BBC Four HD
Available for years
Michael Portillo's rail voyage goes river deep and mountain high as he heads north through the scenic New England states. Show more
Michael Portillo joins the Sons of Liberty aboard ship in Boston harbour. Will he help rebels jettison 112 crates of East India Company tea? Show more
Michael Portillo heads for Plymouth, the 'home town' of America. He learns how indigenous tribes of Wamponoag people taught settlers to live off the land. Show more
Michael Portillo takes a crash course in rowing in New Haven, where college teams from Yale and Harvard have battled for victory on the water since 1852. Show more