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Na Seann Ghreugaich

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Episode 1: Dùn Èideann

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Dòmhnall Macleòid an Dùn Èideann air a thuras an tòir air an dìleab a dh'fhàg iad. Donald Macleod takes us on a personal journey examining the legacy of the Ancient Greeks. Show more

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Episode 3

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Mar a sgaoil feallasanachd agus saidheans à Miletus. Le Dòmhnall Macleòid. Donald Macleod examines how the Milesian flame lit the world of philosophy and science in the west. Show more

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Episode 5

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Mar a thug Aois Phericles bòidhchead na h-Àithne gu àrd-ìre. Le Dòmhnall Macleòid. How Athens was the experiment in perfection of the Classical Age. With Donald Macleod. Show more

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Episode 4

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Dealbh air Pericles: duine cho ainmeil 's cho cudromach sa thàinig às an Àithne a-riamh. Donald Macleod outlines Pericles' life as orator, statesman and general in Athens. Show more

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Episode 6

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Toiseach tòiseachaidh dràma agus theatre san t-seann Ghreug. Le Dòmhnall Macleòid. Donald Macleod explores the beginnings of drama and its development in Ancient Greece. Show more

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Episode 1

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Dòmhnall Macleòid a' togail air deamocrasaidh, dìleab bho na seann Ghreugaichy. Donald Macleod discusses the democracy of the Ancient Greeks as compared to that of the present day. Show more

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Episode 5

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Dè as urrainn dhuinn ionnsachadh fhathast bho na Seann Ghreugaich? Còmhla ri Dòmhnall Macleòid. What yet can we learn from the Ancient Greeks? With Donald Macleod. Show more

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Episode 4

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Deireadh an Aois Òir san t-seann shaoghal Ghreugach. Còmhla ri Dòmhnall Macleòid. How the golden age of the ancient Greeks came to an end. With Donald Macleod. Show more

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Episode 7

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Eachdraidh agus feallsanachd nan Geamannan Oilimpigeach. Le Dòmhnall Macleòid. Donald Macleod traces the origins, developments and philosophy behind the Olympic Games. Show more

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Na Seann Ghreugaich

Episode 2: Prògram 2 - Miletus

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Toiseach eòlais ann a Miletus bho Thales, a' chiad feallsanach air a bheil lorg againn. Donald Macleod travels to Miletus, where knowledge began with the philosopher, Thales. Show more