String Quartets played by the AMADEUS STRING QUARTET Norbert Brainin (violin) Siegmund Nissel (violin) Peter Schidlof (viola) Martin Lovett (cello)
Part 1
Quartet in F major. Op. IS
8.27* Grosse Fuge , Op. 133
The tourth of six programmes recorded in association with K.R.O
Hilversum at public concerts given in Amsterdam during the autumn of last year.
Quartets in D major, Op. 18 No. 3; E flat major Op. 74; B flat major Op. 130: May 28
A Christian comment on ' constructive Humanism by H. E. ROOT
Dean of Emmanuel College Cambridge and NINIAN SMART
H. G. Wood Professor in the Department of Theology at Birmingham University
The speakers consider, from a Christian standpoint, some of the views expressed by Renford Bambrough and R. W. Hepburn in their talks, broadcast recently, on Humanism and Humanist Religion
Part 2
Quartet in E minor. Op. 59
No. 2
in conversation with T. G. Rosenthal
Michael Ayrton first became known in the late 1940s as one of a group of ai lists closely interested in the English landscape tradition, in particular the paintings of Samuel Palmer. His later work-in several media-has been frequently concerned with a number of Greek myths—Daedatus and Icarus. The Sybil of Cumae. and the Minotaur —and in tonight's conversation he tries to define the reasons for this interest and to relate it to his view of the modern world.
Motet: Assumpta est Maria
10.31* Mass: Assumpta est
Today's overseas commodity and financial news. London Stock Market Closing report