by Christopher Sykes
The second of two programmes, based on recordings made in Paris and Algeria, giving the personal reflections of some French and Algerian men and women on the mutual sentiment and relationship of the two countries since the establishment of Algerian national independence in July 1962
The programme includes contributions by the Algerian Prime Minister, M. BEN BELLA Produced by CHRISTOPHER SYKES
Der Vater mit dem
Kinde Heimweh
Der Schiffer
Des Lebens Tag 1st schwer und schwiil
Des Sangers Habe Im Walde First of four fortnightly programmes of Schubert's lesser-known songs
Use Wolf and Martin lsepp: February 23
See page 45
A long-playing transfer has recently been issued in Belgium of some of the records made by the great Belgian violinist in 1912. YEHUDI MENUHIN speaks about Ysaye and his influence, and introduces items from the record
The Prize Song (The Master-singers) (Wagner, arr. Wilhelmj)
Lointain passe (Ysaye)
Hungarian Dance No. 5 (Brahms) Finale (Concerto in E minor)
Rondino, Op. 32 No. 2
(Vicuxtemps) accompanist, C. DECREUSE Second broadcast
Howard Nemerov introduces and reads a selection of his own poems with BASIL LANGTON and JOHN HALL WHEELOCK
Sinfonia in C major played by the DANISH STATE RADIO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA
Conducted by MOGENS WÖLDIKE on a gramophone record