by Sir Alister Hardy , F.R.S.
Professor of Zoology and Comparat ive Anatomy in the University of Oxford Over many years Professor Hardy has contemplated the possibility that a penod as a dweller on the sea-shore and in the shallow waters plaved an important part in the evolution of man. He explains how he arrived at this hypothesis and presents evidence to support it.
Three-part Inventions Toccata in D played by George Malcolm (harpsichord)
by Fr. Rolfe (Baron Corvo)
Adapted by Rayner Heppenstall
[Starring] Max Adrian
Frederick William Rolfe, the mysterious figure who wrote under the pseudonym of Baron Corvo, had once studied for the priesthood in Rome. His masterpiece Hadrian VII is the fantasy of a spoiled priest rehabilitated and then elected Pope at a time of crisis in Europe.
followed by an interlude at 8.20
Meredith Davies introduces this little-known work
He is to conduct the first broadcast performance in this country on Sunday in the Third Programme
Josephine Veasey (mezzo-soprano)
Harold Child (baritone) Frederick Stone (piano)