Sonata in A, Op. 47 (Kreutzer)
Arthur Grumiaux (violin)
Clara Haskil (piano) on a gramophone record
ALAN DAVIE , Peter LANYON , and WILLIAM SCOTT talk to each other and to David Sylvester about their various attitudes to the process of painting.
by Gtinter Eich
Translated by Martina Mayne
Cast in order of speaking:
Young Man, Glyn Dearman: Hakim, Cyril Cusack; Voice, Derek Birch; Fanma, Denise Bryer; Imam of Alamut, George Merritt; Dupont, Brian Wilde; Waiter, Roger Snowdon; Patron, Eric Phillips; Patronne, Coral Fairueather; Janine, Barbara Assoon; Mme. Celeste, Betty Hardy; Ninon, Joan Matheson; Mine. Dupont, Dera Cooper; Odette, Ursula Hirst; Ambassador, Norman Wynne
Production by Christopher Holme
Heather Harper (soprano)
Peter Pears (tenor)
Kenneth Tudor (baritone)
Jacobean Ensemble
In the black dismal dungeon
The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation Sonata of Three Parts. No. 8 in G With sick and famish'd eyes
In guilty night (Saul and the Witch of Endor)
The third of four programmes devised by Anthony Lewis and Nigel Fortune