lulia de Beausobre, who has recently returned from a visit to Israel, believes that the Promised Land is developing into a land of promise.
by W. S. Merwin
Production by Douglas Cleverdon from contemporary sources
Favor Island is a sea story based on a historical event. It portrays the voyage of an English ship in 1710, the loss of the vessel, and the effects of privation on the survivors wrecked on a small island off the coast of New England.
Lamar Crowson (piano)
(first performance)
-by Anthony Barnett of the Zoology Department,
University of Glasgow
The results of experiments on animals that have been handled—or gentled, as the saying is-are often markedly different from those obtained from non-gentled animals. Mr. Barnett speculates about these differences and the role of the skin in causing them.
(The recorded broadcast of Aug. 16)